Birch, Bullet, Ermine

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Birch greeted Skye happily as he walked down the dungeon halls with a key.

"Come to save me?" she said.

"Something like that."

He unlocked the door, hanging the keys on the wall. Birch stepped out, and followed Skye back to the room.

Everyone else was still gathered there. It was Calico who reacted first.

" actual LeafWing..."

"Haha, I guess so. Pleased to meet you HiveWing."

Bullet gasped. "Birch! No way! I thought they meant some other Birch."

"Pfft. Like who else on Pantala has a name as weird as Birch."

"Wait wait. You two know each other?" Skye said.

"Yeah! I met her when she came to hide in this Hive after being chased by guards. I figured since we were both wanted, we could hide out together. Then she got captured and I ran away like an idiot."

"Yes. Very brave of you Bullet. I'm so happy your Distant Kingdoms friend saved me instead of you."

"Why thank you," Bullet gave an exaggerated bow.

Ringlet was dragging Ermine back into the room after he left.

"Ringlet, I told you it's none of my buisness what these guys do-" he stumbled over his last words as he looked up at Birch. Then his face twitched, suddenly displaying anger instead of his usual sadness.


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