This Is Probably Relateable.....No Sleep...

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Skye put a pillow over his head. The constant screaming and cursing from the dungeons would not stop, not even for a second to let him sleep. He could tell it bothered Calico and Bullet too, who were in the main area of the room Lady Yellowjacket assigned to them.

He joined them, pouring himself a cup of cinnamon tea.

"I can't sleeeeep," groaned Bullet. "Skye that half-dead HiveWing down there is insane."

"You're telling me," Skye said. "I pretty much grew up with him."

Calico abandoned her own tea. "Need coffee. Coffee keep awake."

Both Skye and Bullet grabbed her tail. Coffee could be fatally poisonous to dragons if had more than twice a day. Judging from all the empty cups on the ground, Calico had had at least five.

They all lay down on top of one another, attempting to sleep all together in a pile. Talons in ears, Skye settled down for about a minute of rest.


Calico's mother opened the door in the morning. Skye guessed they had all slept for about an hour, maybe two.

"Calico," Vespa said. "I'm leaving to go back to my Hive. Are you coming with me, or staying with these ruffians?"

"I'll stay," Calico mumbled, her face on the floor.

"Ok then," Vespa closed the door and left.

"It's so weird how your mother is a Hive ruler now. You know, when she dies, it could become Calico Hive," Bullet said, cleaning Tsetse's blood off his knives.

"Oh!," Calcio said, as if she only just realised that too.

"If I'm a Hive ruler, we can all just stay in my Hive and be safe!"

"Yeah, that's true," Skye said, opening to door to reveal Ringlet and breakfast.

Ringlet scampered in, setting the plate of fried desert lion and some sugary doughs on a bench. She sat down with them.

"Ermie says Lady Tsetse died. Did she? I didn't like Lady Tsetse. She was very growly."

"Yeah," Bullet said, handing her the knife. "That's what killed her."

"Bullet!" Calico said. "Why are you showing a knife to an innocent child?"

Bullet shrugged. "She wants to know."

"Yeah!" Ringlet jumped up. "Bullet is cool!"

"If this dragonet becomes a killer I am entitled to blame you Bullet."

Bullet held up his talons in a surrender. "Guilty as charged." He grinned.

Skye chomped on the sugary dough, trying to ignore Rove's shouts, which were pushed to the back of his mind for now. He decided to do something about that.

"I'm gonna go visit Rove," he said, walking out after taking another dough, leaving behind astonished gazes from both Calico and Bullet, and a confused but excited one from Ringlet.

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