A/N: This chapter is from Ermine's point of view.

Ringlet wanted to go hunting. She always wanted to do something. And so now Ermine was standing next to a tree while Ringlet scared off all the food in a five hundred meter radius.

There was shuffling in the bushes in front of him. A long gray tail poked out. A spy? He recognized that gray tail. 

"Pierro?" A head poked up from the bush. "Pierro!" Ermine hugged his friend. "Why are you here?"

"Uh, well, I was looking for you. You'd been gone for days! DAYS!"

Ermine laughed. He gave Pierro a little kiss on the cheek, but then lightly slapped him.

"Come on! You know I can take care of myself!"

"Well I thought you died!"

Ringlet's head popped up in the bush too. Ermine felt himself turn red, until she said: "ERMIE! GUESS WHAT I CAUGHT A TINY LITTLE RABBIT! IT'S THE BESTEST FOODY EVER! OH HI PIERRO!" she waved. "LOOK I GOT WINGS! DID ERMIE KISS YOU LIKE HE ALWAYS DOES? AHHHHHHHHH EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" she continued shouting happily as she dashed away to collect her rabbit.

Pierro laughed through his nose, which came out as a snort. "Has she always been this crazy?"

"No, she's just hyper because she has wings."

"Ok, well then she'll be fine for a second. I need to show you something."

Ermine reluctantly followed. They emerged in a clearing, with long leaves shielding the sky. A peachy white egg with small black swirls sat in the middle.

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