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Bullet stood in the middle of the largest room, smiling. 

"Welcome to my home."

"You know, everything you do takes me closer and closer to believing you're a psychopath," Calico pointed out, rubbing her muddy talons on a bloodstained towel with a shiver.

"Oh but I am," Bullet answered, laying his pouches with weapons on a bench.

"See now that isn't helping."

Bullet laughed. "Me being insane is the least of your worries."

"Then what's the most of my worries?"

"The target on your back because of your Pyrrhian friend, you choosing to associate with a murderer who also has a target on their back, the general fact that you're either too trusting or too suspicious or both at the same time. Should I continue?" Bullet said.

"No, thanks." Calico slumped down on some old blankets. "How long will we be here?"

"'Till the next night," Skye answered before Bullet could, settling onto a blanket to get some rest.


"Wake uuuuuuuuuuuuupp!!!" Bullet shouted into Skye's ear. Skye twitched his wings, slowly coming back into the waking world.

"See? I told you screaming would work," Bullet turned to Calico, who was sipping tea from the one clean thing the existed in the house, a mug. Skye rubbed his eyes and sat up, only to be pulled upward by Bullet.

"We don't have any time to waste. The moon rose an hour ago and we have to hurry."

"Ok, fine. I'm up." Skye's stomach growled with hunger but he ignored it, following Bullet and Calico out the door.


They had been walking for at least two hours, when a large building appeared, sparkling with embedded jewels and adornments. 

That's Lady Yellowjacket's palace! Skye realised with a jolt. They had reached it, but now what...

"We should go in when it's morning. We don't want to wake her up and then her thinking we are weird," Bullet said.

"Oh sure, a lone HiveWing with a strange ex-prisoner and a wanted murderer will be perfectly safe if we turn up when the sun is shining," Calico remarked.

"You know, your sarcasm is growing on me," Bullet said, and Calico bared her teeth at him. "Or you're just sleep deprived and hate me." he amended. Calico nodded.

Skye flopped onto the ground. "Then we sit here 'till we can see sunshine."

"Good plan," Bullet sat down too.

"In the middle of the path? No. We are going some where safer," Calico said, dragging them both by the tails into a narrow gap between two houses. "Here is good."

"Yes, so we can be squashed to death by a wall," Bullet said. "Ooo sarcasm is nice..."

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