Dungeons And Dragons

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Skye stepped down into the dungeons, a long winding path under Lady Yellowjacket's throne room. Rove's cell was near the end. The walls had no torches, no glimpse of light came from any of the windows. Skye was worried he'd turned around and walked right back to the entrance.

Taking a deep breath, something sparked inside him, and bright fire exploded from his throat, lighting up the passage. Skye looked at himself in awe, amazed at this new discovery. He tried to breathe fire again, and once more, it lit up the hallway. Rove's cell was close.

A pitter-patter of talonsteps told him that Ringlet was following.

"That was so cool!" she said. "It's like you vomited fire!"

Skye laughed. "I guess so. You shouldn't come with me though, Rove is very dangerous."

"Naw it's ok! Bullet taught me how to use this!" Ringlet held out one of Bullet's small knives.

"Ok then. I'll lead the way, you make sure nothing is following us. If there is, I'm sure there'll be no problem trying to get them away!"

Ringlet smiled. "Yeah! But it would be way cooler if you put fire on them!"

"Maybe, if we're lucky, I can put some fire on Rove."


They approached the cell. Rove's talons hung through the bars, and he was smiling.

"Come to let me out have you Skye?" he said.


"And what a small escort you have. What a wimp you must be, to trust a dragonet with your safety."

"I trusted you, I think I'll be fine," Skye said. Ringlet was trying to shove her knife through the bars. Rove jumped back with a terrified squeal.

"Well then what have you come for?" Rove's wavering voice drifted from the back of the cell.

"Well, according to popular demand, I've come to set you on fire."

Ringlet cheered. "Yay! You better watch out mister Rove guy!"

Skye conjured up what he was starting to call his 'fire feeling'. Once he felt he had a considerable amount, he blew, and fire engulfed the whole of the cell.

An admiring whistle came from a cell a few steps away. The dragon leaned their head out of the bars.

"That, is a great attack my friend. I'd love for you to help me out a little."

Skye studied the dragon. They were a green he had only seen in paintings of trees, with brown flecks and darker green leaf pouches. This was a dragon unlike any tribe he had ever known.

"Are you from Pyrrhia?"

"You mean the Distant Kingdoms?" the strange dragon tipped back her head, laughing. "Haven't you heard of LeafWings?"

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