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Skye hesitantly made his way down the steps to the basement, lighting various lamps along the way. The basement was technically forbidden, and it worried him that his master might find out that he was in there. None of that mattered right now. He wanted to know about his past, and he was going to find out.

There was a lot of clutter, and empty boxes. He figured most of the important stuff would be at the back, away from prying claws. He could see flamesilk lamps at the very back, illuimating a dart board with pictures of three different dragons pinned to them. As he got closer, he could see that one of the dragons was him. The two above his picture was a red dragon who looked a lot like him, and a blue-green one whom he shared glowing scales with. There was a large red X painted over both of them, and Skye had a sinking feeling about what that meant. 

A newspaper caught his eye. The headline was 'Book of Clearsight Stolen!' and it was dated yesterday. He must come in here a lot then...

Looking around a little more, he found a frame with cracked glass. He could only just make out the dragons the picture inside it was of. The same two that were on the dart board, holding a small dragonet in their arms who looked exactly like him. This only confirmed what he had thought before. These were his parents. A piece of paper nearby had their names. His mother, the red dragon, was named Phoenix. His father was Oceanic.

Tears welled in Skye's eyes. what would his life had been like if he had stayed with them? Would he have been happier? Or would they have treated him the same as he was being treated now, if not worse.

He ran out of the basement. His past was too much to handle. He promised himself he'd go back everyday to find something new, to space out the pain.


Rove returned, putting Skye right back into the same routine, as if he never left. Day and even night he stood, waiting for people to look at him and praise Rove for such a discovery. No one did. No one so much as glanced his way anymore in the bustling marketplace. Even his master picked up on this.

"We are moving to Tseste Hive," he said one day. "They have not seen you there before, and they are sensible enough to appreciate the important dragons. Take a maximum of five things with you. We leave at dawn."

Skye panicked. He still had so much more to discover, and it seemed like Rove was leaving it all behind. He snuck into the basement that night to look for anything new, and to look for something to take. He decided to smuggle the frame with his parents and himself under his blankets, and stayed a little longer to read about what his parent's did for a living. It was facinating. They came from a different continent, where Phoenix was a healer, and Oceanic was part of his queen's council. He made a mad dash to his room as he saw the sun rise, hopeful to get a few moments of sleep before they left.


"Only taking two things are you?" Rove said as they flew off the Tseste Hive. Skye was about to correct him and say he was taking three, but then he remembered the frame was supposed to be hidden.

"Yes, sir. You left me with only a blanket and my bracelet, so that is what I take with me." He clasped the bracelet around his right foreleg, leaving him with only the blanket and frame to carry.

Rove sped up flight, aiming to arrive before lunch. Skye sped up too, careful not to use all the power in his large wings and overtake his master.


They landed on the seventh floor of the Hive, and Skye breathed in the cleaner air. Much better here I guess...

"Come!" Rove said. "We are going to my new home."

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