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Ringlet rushed into the room. "I have FOOOOOODS!" she shouted, placing various different pies, steaks, and her famous sugar doughs on the bench. She left the room, coming back with more.

"What happened to you Bullet?" Ringlet asked. Bullet had managed to get up, but it seemed that Ermine's attack caused him to lose his left eye. He was now in a chair with a bandage over the left side of his face.

"Ah, silly old me, I tripped over the chair!" Bullet laughed.

A HiveWing Skye didn't know entered the room. 

"Lady Yellowjacket wishes to have an audience with Skye, Calico, and Bullet."


"There's been a ransom put on your head Skye. A SilkWing from Tsetse Hive is willing to pay hundred of thousands worth of gold and jewels for you. I have no wish to turn you in, but it would be best for you to travel to a different Hive. I don't want them to catch you." Lady Yellowjacket sighed. "Only Clearsight knows what they'll do with you, but we all know it's not going to be good."

Skye bowed, heading back to the room with Calico and Bullet. He gathered his belongings, the blanket, and the frame, and was about to leave, when Ringlet pulled on his tail.

"Are you leaving?" she asked.


"I wanna come with you!"

"Ringlet no, it's too dangerous!" Ermine came up behind her.

"Aww...." Ermine left, and Ringlet stood tall to whisper in his ear. "Imma come anyways." She danced away.

"Ok we have to go to Beetle Lake," Calico said. "Nobody's been there in centuries and none of the Hives are safe."

"What about Dragonfly Bay?" Bullet said.

"Too close to the Hives. And a SilkWing got blown out to sea a while ago when they were there. We can't risk that."

"Beetle Lake it is," Skye said, spreading his wings.


A/N: The next chapters with the new charaters are merged in from @pipsqueak0o0's story thingy. But she hasn't written it yet because she takes a thousand years to upload a new chapter.

They arrived at Beetle Lake. It was not as peaceful as they had expected. There were four dragons there. One was a HiveWing. One had pitch black scales and wings like Skye's. One was a SilkWing. One brown-ish blue. They all seemed to be arguing.

Bullet palmed one of his knives as they landed just beyond the lake. Skye felt a jolt of adrenaline. Excitement and terror at the same time.

Talonsteps pattered over the rocks. Ringlet's happy shout. Oh no...

The black dragon whipped his head around. "Who's there!"

Ringlet ran up to them. Ermine landed too.

The black dragon stepped closer. "Show yourselves!"

The HiveWing twined her tail around the black dragon's. "Come out from behind that rock!"

Skye emerged first, spreading his wings in a surrender. The black dragon still edged forward.

"A SeaWing-SkyWing hybrid. Odd. Who's with you?"

"Don't hurt my friends," Skye said.

The HiveWing snarled. "Warmaker can do what he likes idiot. Whether he kills your friends or not is up to him."

"Cynips please. Get your filthy talons off my tail." The HiveWing obliged, stepping back. Warmaker was obviously the leader.

Bullet rose up. "We can fight you know!"

"Of course you can," Warmaker sighed a long, scale-rippling sigh. "But are you any match for magic?" A long dagger, almost a sword, floated up beside him. Bullet stepped back.

"Guys, come out from there before he hurts us," Skye whispered. First came Ermine carrying Ringlet, then Calico.

"Two HiveWings, two SilkWings, and a SeaWing-SkyWing hybrid. One SilkWing of which has no wings and is defenseless. Perfect."

"We're not looking for trouble," Skye said, his voice portraying confidence he did not have. "We're just hiding from someone who wants to kill us."

"Well I'm afraid you have another dragon who wants to kill you now," Cynips laughed. She seemed to defend Warmaker a lot.

Warmaker tilted his head. "Perhaps you can help us."

"It...depends," Skye hesitated before answering.

"On what?"

"On what we have to do," Ermine said. "Because I am not putting Ringlet in danger."

"I can understand your fears. When will she get her wings?"

"On her fifth birthday, which is in a few days. Her metamorphosis will take five days."

"So a week."


"Very well. You can stay here."

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