Chapter Two: Mystery Club.

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I searched through the clubs for the right club for me, obviously science club but I was too scared to approach them. Someone tapped me.
  'Hi.' She said. It was a smiling girl I had seen in class earlier.
   'H—ey.' I said looking down.
    'I see you don't know which club to pick. Don't get me wrong, but you don't look like a people's person. Am I right?'
     I nodded trying to get her to say what she wanted to and leave. If only clubs didn't add to grades in this school.
     'Why not join mystery club. I'm the only one there and no one wants to join the club so I was thinking if you'd like to.' She said. A club where no one wanted to be? Where there were few teenagers to relate with. Count me in! I signed her clip board.
   'Come with me for our meeting.' She said pulling me by the arm.
    I had been tricked badly. The girl who pulled me into the so called empty club was laughing her butt off beside the blonde girl who made me have the spoon incidence. This club was where all the cool kids were— most of them. The easiest place to get embarrassed. Now I understood it all: the girl was right that nothing ever happens in this club so all the lazy cool kids would pack themselves in here because they wouldn't need to do anything! I sat on a chair at the back beside a girl with a gothic look.
    'Hi guys!' The blonde girl said waving her fingers at everyone seated. 'So we have a new member of the club so she's gonna like introduce herself and all. Come on spoony.' She said obviously referring to me. I swallow and went up to where she stood with my hands shaking. I adjusted my glasses the spoke: 'Hi. I...I am Anna...em... Kendell.' I said. Everyone was looking at me in boredom. I could die from their cold judgemental looks.
   'I'm fifteen...and I...'
    'Wow Anna even your name is boring.' The blonde girl said making everyone laugh. 'Go sit in that thing. It's called a chair.' The girl said bringing up an uproar of laughter. 'So guys, the school board just sent me a letter, like a letter on a fucking paper.' She said. 'They said this club's shown nothing for two years and if we don't do anything, they gonna shut it down and place us in the press club and I don't want that. So I've gotten my dad's assistant to assign some mysteries, assigned groups would have to solve. Kay?'
   So now they are suddenly doing something. This was going to be so annoying.
    'The first mystery which I particularly assigned specially to my ex that you all know, Caldwell Darrell and his new group: A...a..Anna, creepy girl, Marie, Ludie and stupid Nate will be—'
    'Are you shitting me Lucie?' A boy I guessed was Caldwell exclaimed standing up.
    'Do I look like I'm fucking around ex?'
   'Just because I broke up with you? Forgive me for not wanting a self-absorbed girlfriend. You can't just put me with a bunch of nerds.'
    'Fuck you white boy.' Marie, the gothic said with a plain cold look fixed on Caldwell who ignored her. That suit his attitude, he thought he was better than us.
   'Sit down Caldwell. I'm the head of this club so you can sit or leave.' Lucie said with a mischievous smile. 'So we all know the principal's office was vandalized two months ago. He was also beaten badly so Caldwell that's your mystery, you're gonna find the badass guys who did that.' Lacie said with her eyes locked to Caldwell's. It was obvious she was out for revenge that would make poor cute Caldwell miserable. Yes, I just said cute. He was really handsome with brown curly hair and grey eyes.
    'Lucie even the police could not crack that case! It's been closed for three weeks.'
     'I don't give a fuck Mr. Caldwell. Hey, it's twenty percent of your grade.'
    'Who said that!' Caldwell exclaimed while everyone else gasped miserably.
    'Money, money said that. My daddy's money in this school.' Lucie said. My daddy had money too but you don't see me having any kind of attitude or may be it is because I could never really say who my father was.


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