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Jungkook pov

I went inside Jin's room and sighed as I saw him holding the last sonogram we took from our son. Our Soobin!

We found he is a boy and we named him Soobin. He was very happy. We were very happy. Until that accident happened.

"Baby! Appa loves you. I missed you alot. Don't afraid ok? Appa is always with you." He cried and hold that sonogram.
I quickly went to him and hold him.
"Jin baby please don't cry."
"I...I was...that weak...that I couldn't keep my child. Jungkook it is my fault."

"No baby it is not your fault. The car was fast and hit you. I'm sure our Soobin doesn't like to see you are crying." After a year he is still crying. I thaught he'll get better but no. And when he found he cannot get pregnant anymore it was the hardest part for him.

He shook his head.
"No no! It was my fault. You think in that way too. I cannot give you a child. You are pitying me it is why you are still here." He then pushed me.

I again hold him tight. How can he say this? I love him so much that I cannot live a second without him.

"Stop pitying me just leave."
"Jin baby! I love you. How can I leave? Huh?" He looked at me.
I wiped his tears and pecked his lips.

"Please stop bothering yourself. We have a life full of love."
"Our baby Jungkook."
"Yeah we lost him but we can start again. Did I marry you cause of that? I married you cause I love you and I won't stop loving you."

"I cannot give you a baby."
"But you gave yourself to me Jin. I don't want a baby. I just want you beside me. Breathing next to me. You know how hard it is for me when you don't sleep with me?" He looked at me.

"Sorry! I thaught you hate me."
"Why?" He burst into tears.
"Cause I am useless. I cannot give peace to you. I am always a crying mess. Jungkook whenever I close my eyes the scene of accident comes infront of me. I hate that guy who was drunk and hit me and my baby I wish I was the one who died." He then started crying hard.

"Jin baby what about ado-"
"Jungkook I even couldn't take care od my own baby." He then cried harder.

I don't know what to do. This fucking year was all crying and sadness. When he insisted to show him our dead baby and hold him. When he didn't let the nurses take him. I don't know what to do. For the first time I feel weak.

He doesn't sleep next to me. It is rare to see he is sleeping without crying and I can say I haven't seen the smile he had in this year.

Jimin pov

"Hi Jimin."
"I came to see Jin? Where is he?"

He sighed. Their life was like this in this last year. Their house was so much cold. Opposite side of the past. Jin doesn't laugh and smile like always and Jungkook is sad by seeing his love like this. I know how much he loves Jin. But Jin he just thinking about Soobin. He is broken. Very bad.

"He is in his room holding the sonogram and crying."
Poor of him.
"I'll go and calm him down. You can go to Yoongi he is in our house with Sejun." He nodded.

"Please speak with him about adopting. Maybe it is a way to get rid of this situation."
"Jungkook last time he was about to slap me when I said that."
"Sorry but please. Maybe bringing a child change our life and his mood. You know what I mean?" I nodded.

"Ok I will do my best."
He smiled.
"Thank you." Jungkook is sad too. Besides Soobin's death Jin's condition is botheirng him too.

I knocked the door.
"Jin it is me."
"I will come now."
"I am waiting downstairs."

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