6 (Hope)

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Jin pov

I looked at Taehyung who was smiling ear to ear. After the argument we had Jungkook took us out like we planned.

I don't know what happened and it was so childish that I lose my temper just like that. This precious baby deserves the best things. Now I know he is afraid that he may lose us. I must make him feel that I love him so so much. He is my son. There is a strong bond between us. Like my being depends on him.

I caressed his hair and he smiled.
"Are you happy baby?" He nodded.
"Yes appa."
"Where are we going Jungkook?"
"Ummm... I thought maybe going to mall and then have dinner. What's your idea?" I nodded.

"It is good. Let's eat burger Taehyung loves that. Am I right baby?"
"Yeah yeah!" He jumped in his place. I chuckled.
"Ok ok! We will go."
"Yeah tata loves burger too."
"Tata can eat?" He nodded.
"Yeah! He loves burger. Like me. He loves you and daddy too. Do you like tata?" I chuckled.

"Yeah I like him."
"Good. What about you daddy?" Jungkook didn't answer.
"Jungkook!" I called him. He came out of his thoughts.
"Are you ok?"
"Yes yes. Did you say something?"

"Appa daddy is weird."
I looked at Jungkook.
"Jungkook you sure you are ok?"
"Yes I am... It is just about buisness."

Jungkook pov

I smiled as I saw Taehyung giggling and talking with Jin while he was holding him.
I was deep thinking after what happened. It will effect on Taehyung. I must have a serious talk with Jin. He must not act like this again. But... how can I say this to him? He is broken and very sensetive. But Taehyung is in a sensetive age too.

"Yes baby?" I went to them and he smiled.
He opened his arms for me and I hold him.
I looked at him who was looking at somewhere. By following his gaze I saw a toy store.
"Tae baby you want new toys?" Seems Jin has recognized that too.

He smiled. Jin smiled back and kissed him.
"Let's go there."
"Yeah let's go."
We entered the shop. It was the shop we came to buy toys for Soobin. I can remember how happy we were. We wanted to make his playroom.

I heard heavy breathings next to me. Jin was closing his eyes and his hand was on his heart.
I was about to say something when I was cut.
"Appa! Look! The puzzle we made today." Jin smiled as saw Taehyung and hold him.

If it was 2 months ago he would cry a whole week for this but now he was smiling and speaking with Taehyung walking all around the shop.
"You like this baby?" His eyes were loving. Like they were when we married. I can see hope in them. Happiness. Kindness. They are not empty anymore.

"Jungkook baby!" I came out of my thoughts when he called me.
"He has chosen what he wants."
"Yes daddy! That train and these colour books. Appa can I have water colour too?"

"You promise you won't make mess with them?"
He quickly waved his hands.
"No no! I am not a bad boy. Pleaseeeee." We chuckled.
"Ok! You can have them."

Jin pov

"Tae baby here." I gave Taehyung his burger.
"Jin baby you haven't eaten yet."
"I will after feeding him." I looked at Taehyung who was eating in the cuttest way.

"You want fries too?" He nodded.
Jungkook looked at Taehyung and he smiled. I smiled at how sweet he is.
"Let's come out more together. Do you like it baby?"
He swallowed.
"Yes daddy. It is really good. I am always in the house with appa. He takes me to park but I want to come out with you too."

"Then we will come out more together." I said and caressed his hair.
"Appa you are very beautiful when you smile. So smile all the time ok?"

Jungkook pov

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