15 (Signs)

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Jin pov

"Smile baby and look at here." I looked at Taehyung who was smiling and was in the cuttest in that suit with a neck tie. He likes posing infront of cameras and now lots of people are paying attention to him he is way happier.

Yeah! We decided to try it. Jungkok and I thought alot about it and asked Taehyung if he likes to do this. He wasn't opposite of that. We even consult with our parents and Yoongi amd Jimin. They said it is not a bad idea. And after speaking we decided to do this.

"Look how happy he is." Jungkook said and I nodded.
"Ok baby go to that little house and look from the window." Taehyung did what the director said. The director and photographers were impressed cause he was listening very well.

"Ahhh hope my baby doesn't get tired. This job can be tiring too. Jungkook I won't let them to bother baby."
"Baby it is work. And more Mr Kim said they will take care of him. And we are with him too. His photoshoots are not alot more Taehyung likes taking photos of him." I nodded.

"Mr Jeon!" We heard Mr Kim and bowed.
A guy was with him.
"He is my husband Kim Hoseok." We bowed and smiled.
"Nice to meet you." He said.
"Nice to meet you Mr Kim."
"Taehyung is doing a really good job. I've seen many children but it is like he knows what to do." I chuckled.

"He likes taking photos. It is why he is doing good. If you let him he poses all day and very well." Jungkook said and chuckled.
"Then we must tell the photographer."
"Appa daddy I want to take photo with Taehyung."

"Ahhh princess you can after Taehyung's photoshoot."
"Your daughter is beautiful." I said and his husband smiled.
"Thank you. Taehyung is very cute and beautiful too." I smiled.

"But Mr Jeon you yourself can be a model too." I looked at Jungkook as Hoseok said that. He was calm.
"I told him too. What is your idea Mr Jeon?"
"Oh no. I am not into these things."

"You can try if you like." Jungkook said. I smiled. He always supports me.
"No! You know what a person I am."
"What you want." He said and caressed my back.

Hoseok looked at his husband and motoined to us.
"Ah my husband wanted to invite you for dinner tonight. We will be happy to see you."
"Oh thanks Mr Kim we won't bother you."
"No please come we will be happy." We looked at eachother.
"What do you think?" Jungkook asked.
"I am ok with that. Beside Taehyung and Sullie can play."

"Yeahhh Taehyung will come to our house."
I smiled.
"Sir everything's done." We heard and went to Taehyung.
"Appa daddy!" He came to us. Jungkook hold him in his arms and I caressed his cheek.

"Baby you were very good." He giggled. Jungkook kissed his cheek.
"Yeah my baby is a real prince." He pinched his nose lightly and Tae giggled.

"Taehyung baby you did great."
"Uncle Joonie."
"Tae Tae we will take picture together." Sullie jumped in happiness.
"Yeah?" I smiled and nodded.

"Taehyung baby do you like to play in a movie? Sullie will be there too."
"Yeah?" He looked at me and Jungkook.

"Mr Kim you didn't say anything about it."
"Well... it is drama. It is about a shy boy who is a genious. We need Taehyung as his childhood. It is kinda hard cause he must speak most of the words wrong. I thought he can do this."

We looked at eachother.
"I'll be actor?" Taehyung asked.
"Yes baby if your parents accept."
"Daddy appa you acpect?" Mr Kim chuckled.

"I think he can do it." His husband nodded.
"Baby that's accept and more we should talk. Me and your appa."
"But I'll be actor. Like that mister in the film. He was fighting with bad people. Daddy appa I want to be reho."
"Reho and save others and be strong and mucsular."

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