4 (Change)

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Jin pov

"Taehyung baby wait."
"Jinnie Jinnie I want to play." He jumped in his place. I smiled and went to him. I brought him to park cause he was bored in the house and I've read in an article being out is good for children.

"Baby don't run. You may get lose. Be beside me ok?" He nodded.
"Ok! I wanna go sliding."
"Ok baby let me help you." I then hold him and we went to the playground.
I helped him to go up the stairs and go to the slide.

"Jinnie! Jinnie!" He looked at me and giggled.
"Baby be careful now sit and come to me. Come on." I then cleaned the slide with a tissue. I am alittle worry. He is just three and cannot play himself and may get sick.

"Yeahhhhh!" He then came down into my hold.
"One more time." I again helped him. I was always imagining playing with my son like this. He is making it real now. He then slided many times. I was laughing while he was all smiling and giggling.

"Yeahhhh! Now I wanna go swinging." He started running to the swings and I followed him. I was feeling like a child.

"Wait baby." I started cleaning the swing.
"Why are you cleaning it?"
"Baby here is a public park. Lots of children has seat here. And more the pollution in the air. So we must clean it. Or you'll get sick. I don't like to see my son is sick."

"I am not sick. I am ok."
I hold him and kissed his cheek.
"Yeah and I am happy cause of that but I must take care of you."
He giggled.
"Now let's swing." I then put him on the swing and started swinging him slowly.

"I wish Kookie was here too."
"Baby Kookie had work. But he will come home soon." From that day Jungkook goes to work later and comes earlier. He even makes breakfast. I am happy he is enjoying his time with us.
"Is he with that bad girl?"
"Bad girl?" He nodded.
"The girl you don't like. You yelled at him and he said he won't go to her."

Oh god! Children are like recorder. I must becareful and don't say everything when he is around us.
"No baby! There is no bad girl. She was his coworker."
"So why did you yell? Kookie got sad. He cried." He even pouted.

"Sorry baby I didn't mean that. I won't yell at Kookie anymore."
"Good. Kookie is kind. He loves me and I love him. He always says he loves you. At nights when we are sleeping together and when we wake up. When he comes home and hold you. When he wants to go work. And... let me think yeah when you make us food when you do something for him or me wait Kookie is always telling you he loves you." He said and looked at me while his index finger was under his bottom lip thinking.

He is right! Jungkook kinda is always telling me he loves me. But I am ashamed to say this to him. I have bothered him alot.
"You don't love Kookie?"
"You don't tell you love him."
"So if I don't say I love him it means I don't love him?"

"You must tell you love someone or he will think you doesn't love him."
I sighed.
"So you don't love him?"
"No Tae I...love Kookie."
"But why don't you tell him?"

"Cause I am ashamed."
"Taehyung baby it is complicated. Like you do something wrong and cannot fix it."
"Aunt Jisoo always says we must say sorry when we do wrong things. Like when I broke Kookie's watch I said sorry and he said it is ok and even kissed me."

"Taehyung it not like that."
"How do you know? He is kind he will forgive you. If he didn't I will ask him ok?" He then looked at me and smiled. I smiled back and tried to change the subject.

"Are you done with swinging?"
"Yeah! Jinnie I am hungry."
"Ok baby let's go and buy something to eat." He nodded.
I hold him amd we went to a shop and bought him cake and juice.

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