18 (Miracle)

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Jin pov

"Appa why daddy hasn't come?" I shook my head.
"I don't know baby he must have been here."
It was 9 pm but Jungkook wasn't home. He even doesn't answer to his phone. Taehyung wasn't sleeping cause his dad was not here and I was very worry.

"Maybe it is better go to him Mr Han."
"Yes sir."
"Take me to company."
"Sir sir Jungkook tol-"
"Do what I say. Taehyung and I will get ready now."
"Yes sir."

I hold Taehyung's hands.
"Can you go and bring your clothes? Appa cannot go upstairs." He nodded.
"Yes appa."
"Good boy. Come to our room downstairs ok?" He nodded.

I then went to our room and changed my clothes. It was hard to walk. My 7 months bump is really big.
"Appa I brought my clothes."
I smiled.
"Very good baby come here." I then sat on the bed and started changing his clothes.

"Ok you are ready."
"Sir the car is ready."
"Sir why don't you call the company?"
"I called but no one answered."
"Not his office you can call his personal secretary or maybe the gaurds to ask if Mr Jeon has come or no."

"Dial them."
"Yes sir." He dialed them and gave the phone to me.
"I am Jeon Seokjin."
"Oh hello sir."
"I wanna knoe where is my husband. I've called his office multiple times."

"Mr Jeon left for a meeting at 3. He didn't come back." I get more worry.
"Sir you can call Mrs Lee and ask him where i-"

"Ok thank you."
I faced Mr Han.
"Do you have Mrs Lee's number?"
"Appa why are you crying?" I was worry. Very much.
"Sir I will dial her now."

I nodded and he called her. Jungkook where are you?
"Hello Mrs Lee. Sir Seokjin is worry for Mr Jeon. Do you know where is he?"
"What?" I quickly grabbed the phone when his expression changed into horror.

"Don't tell this to sir Seokjin. Mr Jeon had an accidant. I called his parents and they are here now. Mr Jeon is unconsious. The doctors are checking him."
"Sir! Oh my god Mr Jeon it is sir Seokjin."

"Seokjin son!"
"Son he is ok. They are checki-"

Author pov

"Appa appa!" Taehyung was in Mr Han's hold while Jin was on the hospital bed.
"How months he is?"
"7 months doctor."
"We must check him."

"Oh my god. Jin son!" Jungkook's father came.
"What happened?"
"He fainted when he talked to you."
"Grandpa appa. Appa!" Mr Jeon hold Taehyung.

"Baby he will be ok. Your brothers are ok too."
"But where is daddy?"
"Your daddy is sleeping. The doctors said he'll wake up soon."

Taeyung nodded but his tears were falling. He was afraid to lose his appa or daddy.

Jungkook pov

I opened my eyes to see my mother crying.
"Mom!" She smiled and came to me.
"Mom where am I?" She wiped her tears.
"Son you had an accidant. The doctor checked you fortunately you are ok."
I nodded.
"Jin must not know this mom. Call him and say I am with you."

Mom didn't say anything. Her eyes were worry.
I was shocked when I saw her teary eyes.
"Is something wrong with Jin?"
"Jungkook! He is here and unconciouse."

I quickly got up from the bed.
"Jungkook son!"
"Jin baby!
"Mom where is Jin?"

"Taehyung!" He ran to me crying.
"Daddy why you have scars and wounds?" He cried hard.
"Shhhshhh It is nothing baby. Where is appa?"
"Jungkook son!"

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