7 (Changed)

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Jin pov

"Appa appa! I want to go and play with the cars."
"Ok baby wait. Don't run."
"Appa me too."
"Sejun wait."
We were at the fair with Jimin and Yoongi. Taehyung was very happy and enjoying his time. From that day I told him he can call me appa he is way happier. I could see that the next day. He was keep telling me and Jungkook he loves us.

"Appa that red one I want to sit there."
"Ok baby let's go."
"Hey where are you going? This is for children."

"Jimin how can I let him play alone? He is little."
"Jin come on! They can play themself."
"Jimin I still can remember the last time Sejun fell cause you weren't beside her when she was riding her bike."

"You are telling me I am not a good parent?"
"No I mean we must take care of them now come."

Jungkook pov

"He is so much caring toward Taehyung." Yoongi said and I nodded.
"Taehyung means alot for him he is very happy with him. And I am happy too."

"When we recommended that we weren't sure it'll work. But now I am happy. Jin is like always. Laughing smiling speaking."
"Yeah! He even cooks. Thanks to Taehyung."
"Does he still think about Soobin?"

I sighed.
"Yoongi it is hard to forget him. He was our first and more the doctor said he cannot have a baby anymore."
"Yeah I know it is hard. For both of you."
"Yeah but it is harder for him."

Yoongi chuckled.
"What is this?"
"He is so much happy with Taehyung."
I smiled.
"Yeah we both love him alot. We always sleep together. He loves it. I cannot sleep a night without him and holding both of them."

"Daddy!" I looked at Taehyung who was in Jin's hold and he was smiling.
"Did you have fun yeah?" I tickled him and he giggled.

Jin chuckled.
"He is hungry."
"Yeah?" Jin nodded.
"So let's go and have something."
"Burger burger."
"Tae baby you just had burger." Jin said and he pouted.

"But I like it."
"I know baby but if you eat burger most of the times you'll get sick. Appa doesn't like that."
"Oh Jin come on nothing will happen."
"Jimin he just had burger. It was two nights ago. Jungkook!"

"Yes baby?"
"Buy soup for him. And pasta. I think it is good."
"Yeah you are right."
"You too Sejun."
"Daddy I hate soup."
"But you must have. Look at Taehyung. He listens to his appa and daddy very well." Taehyung giggled. I smiled. My son is really cute.

Jin pov

"I want to colour it red."
"But pink is more beautiful."
"Sejun I haven't seen pink train."
"It means we don't have pink train."

"Noooo! I like pink. So I will colour it pink."
Taehyung pouted and didn't say anything.
He looked at me.

"You like to colour it red?" He nodded.
"We don't have pink train."
"Then what's your idea with this? You can colour some of it pink and some of it red." They smiled.

"Yeah uncle Jinnie is right it'll be more beautiful then." I smiled and caressed their hair.

"Ahhh Jin you are so much patient with them."
"Jimin they are so much lovable."
I then went and sat next to him on the bench. We were in the harden while Sejun and Taehyung were colouring and sitting on a cloth on the grass.

"Yeah! You are right. But I don't know how to connect with them well. And now another one is coming too." What?
He giggled.
"I'm pregnant. 3 months."
"Oh my god! Does Yoongi know?" He nodded.

"Yeah he was very happy." I smiled and hold him. I am happy for them too.
"Ahhhh! Congrats. I'm sure this little one will be so sweet. Baby uncle Jinnie loves you." Jimin giggled.
"But I am always tired. I just want to sleep."

I then remembered the time I was pregnant. I was like this. Sleepy all the time and Jungkook taking care of me.

"Jin ar-"
"Appa!" I heard Taehyung who was coming to me smiling.

Jimin pov

Jin's reaction changed when Taehyung called him.
"Yes my baby?" He sat on Jin's lap.
"Look it is pink and red. It is beautiful." Jin smiled and kissed him multiple times.

"Yeahhh! It is very beuatiful."
"Appa I coloured it too."
I kissed Sejun and hold her.
"Yeah my princess is an artist."
"Appa can I have a train like this?" Taehyung asked and Jin nodded.

"Of course baby. I will buy whatever you want."
"Jin baby!"
"Daddy." Taehyung ran to him and Jungkook hold him.

"You must sleep little man."
"But I want to play with Sejun."
"I know but you can play after sleeping. You know you must sleep at this time yeah?" Taehyung pouted and nodded.

"Good you can paly with Sejun after that."
"Oh Jungkook we must go. Actually we have some works and Sejun must get ready for her kindergarten."

"Jimin stay alittle."
"No today was very good thank you. But we have to go. More you are going for a trip so you need to pack and rest."
"The bad girl is coming." Taehyung said.
"Bad girl?" Jin chuckled.
"It is nothing Jimin. Thanks for today."
"Thanks for today Jimin." Jungkook smiled.
"Thank you Jin Jungkook. Sejun baby let's go to your dad. Have a nice time there."

Yoongi pov

"Jin has completely changed." I nodded.
"Yeah I couldn't believe. I wasn't sure if we did good when we told them to adopt a baby but now I am happy. Taehyung is really adorable."

"Yeah! You cannot believe. I told Jin I am pregnant and he got so happy. I'm sure he remembered Soobin but as Taehyung called him he became all smiling."

"Jimin he needed a reason. A reason for smiling and continuing."
"I know Yoongi I know. But I am worry for Jungkook."

I sighed.
"Me too Jimin. He loves Seokjin alot."
"Yeah. We cannot blame Jin but he kinda has forgotten Jungkook. He needs him as well."
"Maybe time fix it. We must wait."

Jungkook pov

"Here his toys." I looked at the luggage which was 3 times bigger than mine.
"Jin all of them are toys?" He nodded.
"He loves playing with them."
"Jin I am sure you packed half of his playroom." He smiled and hold my arm.

"He loves them just the ones he loves pleaseee." He gave the smile he always gave me when he wanted to do something and I was opposite of that. I smiled and pecked his lips.

"Ok baby fine."
"Thank youuu!"
"Did you bring enough clothes?"
"Yeah and some warm clothes we are near september."
"Good." I took a glance on everything.

"Ok we are done. Let's go to Taehyung or he will wake up." He smiled and nodded.
"Ah Jungkook Jimin is pregnant." He said happily. I knew that but didn't say to him. Cause I knew his heart will break. But seems he is happy.

"Yeah?" I acted as if I don't know.
"Yeahhh! I am so happy for them. He said he is sleepy all the time but pregnancy is hard hope he and his child be healthy."

I didn't expect this reaction.
We opened the door.
"Ahhh look how he is sleeping. My cute baby I already missed you." He quickly went to Taehyung and laid next to him.

"Why are you just staying there? Come." He whispered. I looked at him who was caressing Taehyung and planting kisses all over his face.
"I love you so so much my baby." I smiled.
"Iove him so much too. He is so lovable."
"Not just that. He is smart. Lovable kind and mature for his age. I really live how he behaves."

I nodded. He is right Taehyung is that kind of child.
"I'm sure he'll make us proud of him. I am proud of him. He acts really mature. You cannot believe but whenever I take him to park people will say sweet things to him. Once a lady asked me to take him for photoshoot as a baby boy model."

"Yeah?" He nodded.
"What did you say?"
"I said no. He is still little so I don't like to force him to do something he doesn't like more they will bother my baby." I chuckled at how cute he was speaking.

"What is this?"
"You are cute." He smiled.
"Let's sleep. We have flight tomorrow."
"Ok baby good night! I love you!"

Heyyyy! Did you like it? Hope you enjoy!😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉

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