2 (Happiness)

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Jin pov

"Look I drew you Jinnie." I caressed Taehyung's head and kissed him multiple times.
"Ahhh my boy is really talented. I will take you to a drawing class when we go to our home." He giggled.

We are in the process of adopting Taehyung. The first time I saw him I don't know what happened to me. Like he was my own. He is cute kind and beautiful. I can say I really love him.
From that day I always come here and play with him and put him in sleep and go home. He is my son and I cannot let him be alone without me.

"When Kookie will come?" At first he called me appa and Jungkook daddy but it is hard for me to hear that. Not now. So I told him to call me Jinnie and Jungkook Kookie.

"He will come soon. When he wants to pick me up."
"I missed him."
"He missed you too baby. You will soon come to us." I am making his room. We are at the end of the process. Jungkook has some friends that are helping us. Jimin and Yoongi helped alot too.

"Hello my baby!"
"Kookie!" He quickly went to Jungkook. If our Soobin was here he would call me appa and Jungkook daddy.

Jungkook looked at me.
"Kookie brought you a deliciouse chocolate."
"Yeah? Thank you. Jinnie you want chocolate too?" He started eating the chocolate. I smiled and took him from Junglook and kissed his cheek.
"No baby eat yourself. Taehyung baby you must have milk brush yoru teeth and sleep."

"Will you sleep with me?"
"Yes baby."
He smiled.
"Good! I love you alot." He leaned his head to my chest and I smiled.
"Taehyung baby give your chocolate as Jinnie said you must have milk and brush your teeth."

"Ok Kookie." He then give his chocolate. I don't know why but I feel he is part of me.
"Baby let's go now." He nodded.
I went to the kitchen and poured some milk in the glass.
We decorated a seperated room for him till he comes to us.

"Ok now my beautiful boy have his milk."
"Why should I drink milk?"
"Cause it makes your bones strong and you'll be a strong man."
"I become like Kookie?"
I chuckled.
"You think Kookie is strong?" He nodded.

"Yeah he is strong and mucsular."
"Baby it is muscular."
"Yeah that."
"Yes if you drink milk you'll be like Kookie. Now drink baby." He nodded and started drinking milk.

"Here." He handed the glass after drinking his milk.
"Very good. Now let's brush your teeth."
He yawned. He was sleepy. I started brushing his teeth and he was all quite.

"Baby are you sleepy?" He nodded.
"Yeah." I kissed him.
"We are done. Let's go to your room." I came out and saw Jungkook who was making his bed ready.

"Thank you!" He smiled.
I put him in his bed.
"Now I will sing for you." Jungkook said.
"I wish you was here all the time." Taehyung said.

"Cause you are my daddy and appa. I love you and you love me. I want to be with you all the time." My heart fluttered he loves us.
"Baby we will be in our house soon." "I know but till then."
I caressed his hair and laid next to him. Jungkook laid on the other side.

"Now do you feel better?" He smiled. His cute boxy smile.
"Ok now Kookie will sing for us."
Jungkook then started singing. The song I love alot. Euphoria. His voice is like a drug for me. Calming me down.

Jungkook pov

I looked at Jin who was hugging Taehyung. It is a couple of weeks we decided to adopt him but there is strong bond with them. Maybe cause this child is so much lovable and fluttered hearts.

I myself love him so much but still there is a hole in my heart. A hole for my Soobin. Everytime he says we are his parents my mind goes to my Soobin. If he was here he would now call me daddy.

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