5 (Appa)

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Jin pov

"Taehyung you must put it here." Taehyung looked at Sejun and then the puzzle.
"No it is for here." He then placed the puzzle piece in the correct place.

"Look! And this is not for here it is for here." He then replaced Sejun's puzzle piece.
I smiled.
"He is smart."
"He is. I sometimes wonder how he speaks mature." Jimin chuckled.

"You really like him."
"Actually I love him. The first time I saw him I don't know why he was familiar for me. Like my Ssobin was infront of me."
"It is cause he is so lovable. Just look how he catches the others attentions. He is really good at this." I smiled and nodded.

"How's everything between you and Jungkook?"
"How should it be? Like always."
"Always? You mean this last year?" I sighed.
"Jimin what do you mean by this?"
"Jin just think about him. How much he suffered. It wasn't just Soobin it was you too."

"Jimin! I lost my child which I was carrying for six months. I was feeling his movings when I spoke to him he always kicked. But you know what happened? A drunk man hit me and  when they took my son out of my body he wasn't even breathing." I swallowed. Whenever I remember this it is killing me. And they always break this to me. I closed my eyes and breathed deeply.

"Jinnie! I made the puzzle look. With Sejun." As I opened my eyes I was greeted with a boxy smile. Unknowingly a smile appeared on my lips.

"Wow you did great baby." He giggled. I hold him and kissed his cheek.
"Appa he knows how to make puzzle but I cannot." Sejun said and pouted.

"Baby it is ok actually you got your IQ level from your dad." Jimin said and shook his head.
"Hey don't speak like this to her."
"As if you are a genious."
"Sejun baby you can make puzzle if you try more."
"Yeah I always make puzzle with Kookie and Jinnie." Taehyung said and smiled.

"I am here."
"Kookie Kookie!" Taehyung wiggled from my hold and went to Jungkook.
"Wow look how he became excited." Jimin said and chuckled.

"Hello my baby!" I can sense the cheer in Jungkook's voice. Whenever he holds Taehyung his eyes are shining.
I smiled as I saw him.

"Hello!" He smiled and pecked my cheek.
"Hi! How are you?"
"Good. How was your day?"
"Like always.Waiting to come home and join the loves of my life." He said and kissed Taehyung's cheek.

"I made a puzzle with Sejun."
"Hi Jungkook!"
"Hey Jimin. Yoongi didn't tell me you are coming."
"He is busy these days. By the way he called and said is in the way."
"Uncle Kookie can you make puzzle with me too. Taehyung can make puzzle but I am not good at that."

Jungkook smiled.
"Sure baby."
"Kookie is kind. He will play with both of us."
"Yeah? Then what about me? I thought you love me." I said and pouted.

"No Jinnie you are veeeryyy kind. Like Kookie." I chuckled.
"Baby I was kiddding. Jungkook go and fresh up. Taehyung come to me. We must set the table uncle Yoongi will be here soon."

Jimin pov

I really can feel how their life has changed. This little child has really changed everything.
I wasn't sure when I recommended to adopt a baby but now I am happy I did that.

"Taehyung baby here."
"I don't like beans." Jin sighed.
"Taehyung you must eat now open your mouth." He shook his head.

"If you eat this I will take you to park tomorrow."
"Kookie will come?"
Jin looked at Jungkook.
"Baby I have work."
"So I won't eat."

"What? I cannot promise and then break it. He then will ask me you said you will come but you didn't. You want my son hates me?" It reminds old Jin and Jungkook. Discussing and Jin pouting like a child and the Jungkook pecking his pouted lips. Just like now.

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