10 (I love you)

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Jin pov

"Ok let me put this on you."
"Appa I like this. It is beautiful." I smiled. It fits on him. The brown shirt with brown cotton trousers.
"Yes baby you are very beautiful in it." He giggled.

"Jin baby are you ready?"
"Daddy!" Tae quickly went to him. He loves Jungkook alot and so Jungkook.
"Wow look at my boy. You are very handsome." Taehyung giggled.

"Jungkook can you please wear his shoes?"
"Sure! Let's put your beautiful shoes."
"Appa is beautiful too." I smiled and took our stuffs.
"Yes your appa is very beautiful. You have the most beautiful appa."

Taehyung nodded.
"Yeah I told that to Sejun but she said her appa is more beautiful. But I said no and she is saying this cause he is her appa. She cried but I told her stop being a baby and apcet my appa is more beautiful." We burst into laughter as he said that.

"Tae baby you really said that to Sejun?" He nodded and smiled.
"Yes appa. Cause you are more beautiful than uncle Jimin." I shook my head.
"Poor Sejun!"

Jungkook chuckled.
"Ok we are done. Jin baby are you ready?"
"Yes! I brought his jacket too. I think it is going to rain."
"Yeah you are right. He just became ok."
I nodded.

"Auntie will come too?"
"No baby."
"Jungkook let's tell her. She is alone. She may get bored."
"Baby it is about our family. I want to have some time with you two."
I pouted. She was alone. She sometimes comes to me and we speak. She is very sweet and I love speaking with her.

I came out of my thoughts when he pecked my lips.
I chuckled as I saw Taehyung giggling and hiding his face in Jungkook's neck.
"We can tell her if you want."
"Yes yes auntieee."
"Yeah let's ask her. I will call her."

Jungkook pov

"Mr Jeon!"
"Auntieeee!" Tae ran to her and she hold him.
"You are so beautiful baby." Tae giggled.
"Appa and daddy said that too."
"Cause you are!" She then Cooed Taehyung.
"Thanks for coming Sulgie. We thought maybe you are alone and it is good to hang out." She smiled.
"Thanks Jin! Yeah I was bored and more I like to have time with this cutie."

"Ok let's go. We cannot gaurantee the weather." We nodded and sit in the car.
I put Taehyung in his carseat and Jin come to front seat as Sulgie sat next to Taehyung.

"Appa tata."
"Here baby tata."
"Tata! We are going out."
I started driving. Jin was looking at Taehyung.
"Don't worry she is with him."
"I know but I cannot stop myself from checking him. My stress level is high when it comes to him."
I exactly know why he is like this. He is afraid to lose Taehyung just like Soobin.

"He will be alright. So don't stress yourself. Ok?" He smiled.
"Ok!" I looked at Taehyung from the mirror and he smiled.

"Tae baby you must have your fruit. Let me give you."
"Jin I will give him."
"You sure you can?"
"Jin bab-"
"It is ok Mr Jeon. I know he is worry. As I said I was babysitter before. I can feed him." Jin nodded and gave Taehyung's fruits. I wonder how he can make different shapes for him. He decorate them cause Taehyung likes in that way. He is a really good father which makes me fall even more for him.

Jin pov

I chuckled as I looked at Taehyung who was sticking his face on the glass of the store and looking at the plane was there.
"What are you looking at?"
"Appa the plane is even bigger than mine." He said without taking his gaze and moving from the plane.

I chuckled and hold him.
"You want it?" His face brightened as Jungkook said that.
"Can I?"
"Yes baby. Let's go and buy it."
"Yeah yeah!"
"Oh I will stay here Sulgie went to a shop you two go and buy the plane." He nodded and hold Taehyung.

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