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Jin pov

"And the award goes to..." Who will get that? Good actors were nominated. I am really happy. The camera showed Taehyung who smiled. He was really cute in that grey suit.

"Jeon Taehyung!" My son!
"Yeahhhhhh!" I clapped.
"Yeahhh! Jin congrats."
"Thanks Hoseok." He hold me.
"Ahhh Jin I am really happy." I hold Jimin.
"Me too Jimin oh god I cannot tell how I feel now."

I looked at twins who were looking at me.
"Yeonjun Beomgyu look at your brother." I said in happiness. My baby! My Taehyung he did realoy well.

"Ah he must speak now."
"Oh what will he say?Good thing Jungkook is with him." Jimin said.
"I am sure Jungkook won't say anything. He said he wants Taehyung say what is in his mind."

"Daddy! It is tall." Taehyung said and looked at Jungkook. The mic was tall for him. All of them laughed and Jungkook hold Taehyung in his arms.

"I can speak now?" Jungkook nodded.
"Thank you! I am happy I get the spatup arad. My appa and daddy helped me and I memorized my dillallos. I love you daddy! I love you appa!" He waved for me and sent a kiss and then kissed Jungkook's cheek.

"I love you more baby." All of them stood up for him and clapped.
"Ahhh Jin!" Jimin hold me. I was crying in happiness. I am happy he was thinking about us. He thanks us and it means alot to me.

Jungkook pov

"Appaaaa! Look daddy buy me a train. It is like my plane." Taehyung went to Jin happily.
"Ahhh congratulation my baby."
"Congrats Taehyung!" Hoseok said.
"Appa!" Sullie went to Hoseok.
Jin hold him and kissed him multiple times.
"Appa!" He giggled. Jin hold him tight.
"Ahhh I'm so proud of you baby. I love you alot. Alot alot alottt!"

Jungkook came and joined us.
"Everyone were impressed by him. They have lots of film requests."
"Yes I will check the plots and then gave you the best ones to choose the best." Namjoon said and Jin nodded.

"Appa look I have the spatup. But it is ugly." I chuckled.
"Baby that's statue."
He nodded.
"Where are Jimin and Yoongi?"
"Yoongi hasn't come. He has work. But he called and said will join us. And Jimin is putting Sehun in sleep. He was alittle fussy."

"Taehyung your train is very beautiful." Sullie said and Sejun nodded.
"Yeah! Let's go and play with it." He wiggled from Jin's hold and they went upstairs.
"Taehyung you must change your clothes." But he didn't answer.
"This child!" Jin said and shook his head.

Jin pov

"I am happy!" I put my head on Jungkook's chest as he was playing with my hair.
"Me too! I was really happy when I was there. I wish you were there too. I felt really happy that I am his dad."
"Me too! I was happy he is our child."

He kissed my head.
"He changed everything. From the time he has came we are all happy."
"Yeah! He is our happiness I love him. And now with our two we are completed." I then turned and pecked his lips.

He chuckled.
"What was for?"
"Thank you!"
"For what?"
"You go through lots of things. I am happy I have you. You are the reason of this happiness too."
"Jin I love you!"
"I love you too!" I cupped his face and he wrapped his arms around my waist. I love you alot!

Jungkook pov

"Ahhh appa they are running!" Taehyung was running to catch the two who were running with their toddlers. Twins are 8 months now and very playful. Poor of Taehyung. He must always follow them and run after them. More Beomgyu. I sometimes think he does these things on porpuse. While Yeonjun is silent but they are always screaming to eachother.

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