16 (Love him)

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Jin pov

"You must pronounce it anch."
"Appa it is and not anch."
"I know baby but Kai in this story says the words wrong."
"Why appa? I speak correctly. This Kai is not smart I don't like him."
"Baby he is smart but cannot speak correctly." He pouted.

"Ok! Daddy soyee Miha anch JunJun cholj me do thach." I clapped.
"Very good baby. You did great." He giggled. He said his dialogue correct.

"Now can I go park?" I nodded.
"Yeah you did great. I will tell your daddy."
"You won't come?"
"I have to do something."
"Umm... I'll tell you after that."

I then changed his clothes after telling Jungkook to get ready to take him to park. I am the one who takes him to park or we take him together but today I want to do something. I want to take a pregnancy test. It is a week after Hoseok told me that. He said that yesterday when we were speaking too. I waited and as time past I am kinda suspiciose. I am tired gaining and vomiting but maybe it not that.

"Ok you are ready let's go." I hold his hand and we came out of his room.
"Ahhh look at my cutie." Jungkook hold him and kissed his cheek.
"Take care of him Jungkook. Clean everything before playing them and clean his hands and yours when you wanna give him something to eat."

"Ok baby!" He said and pecked my lips.
"You sure you don't want to come?"
"No I have some works. Tae baby take care ok?"
"Ok appa."
"I love you baby!"
"I love you too appa."

Jungkook pov

"Daddyyyy!" Taehyung was running happily in the park and I was following him.
"Ah I will catch you now I will catch you."
"Ahhhh daddy!" He giggled. I hold him and tossed him in the air.

"Daddy!" I kissed him multiple times.
"I love you my baby."
"I love you too." He then kissed my cheek.
"Daddy I am hungry."
"Ok let's go and buy something to eat."

We then went to the market was near the park.
"What do you want?" He put his index finger under his lip.
"Ummm... I wan-"
"Ah the cute boy in the magazines and internet." A girl said and came near us.

"Ahhh yeah! Jeon Taehyung yeah. Look I have his photo." Her friend said. They came near us.
"Hello Mr Jeon can we play alittle with your son and take picture of him?" One of them said.

The others attentions were to us and whispering about Taehyung. He had caught their attentions by just his photos. Guess after his film he will be really famous.
Taehyung smiled shyly and hide his face in my neck.
"Ahhh how cute you are!" They cooed him and he giggled.

"Can I take photo with you?" One of them asked Taehyung. He didn't answer he was shy.
"Tae baby! Will you? Yes baby?"
"Daddy I am ebmabessed." He whispered and I chuckled.

"What did he say? What did he say?" They asked.
"He said he is embarrassed." They all giggled.
"Ok we won't bother him. But he is really cute." I smiled.
"Thank you."

They then went.
"Ahhh he was cute I liked to take photo with him."

Taehyung then looked at me.
"Yes baby?"
"I am hungry."
"What do you want?"
"Ummm... apple juice... and cake and aha chocolate."
"Yes for juice and cake no for chocolate. You've eaten so much today."

"I want." He said and pouted.
"No! You are a good boy am I right?"
"Yea the best."
"So listen to daddy." He nodded.
"Ok daddy." We then came out and went and sat on a bench.

"Tae baby let me clean your hand with spray." He nodded.
"I missed appa!" I then cleaned my hand.
"We soon will go to him."
"What does he want to do?"
"I don't know baby. He has alot to do. Maybe he is making delicious cake for us."
"Yeahhhh! I like appa's cakes." I then gave him his juice.
I smiled.
"Let's eat and go to have his cake."

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