19 (My joy)

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Jin pov

"Yeonjun Beomgyu look this is my room."
"Tae baby take care."
"Appa I am a good big brother I take care of them."
"I know baby."

He was taking Yeonjun and Beomgyu with their stroller and showing everywhere to them.
"Look it is my house. Daddy appa and I sleep here. From tonight that you came you will sleep here with us too."
God how can 5 of us sleep here? Worse how can we say no to Taheyung?

"Tae baby they must sleep in their crib."
"But appa bad people will take them."
"Tae baby bad people cannot come inside our house. They have room and must sleep in their room. Like you."
"But you sleep with me."
"Yeah but from today that your brothers came you must sleep yourself."

He whinned.
"Appa nooo! I want to sleep with you and daddy."
"No everyone in their rooms. You will sleep in your room. Yeonjun and Beomgyu will sleep in their room. And daddy and I will sleep in our room."

"Nooo! Noooo! I want to sleep with youuu. Appaaaa!" I sighed. He is in his brat mode. Jungkook is against this too but he is 5. He must sleep himself.

"Tae baby look we set a camera in your room and will check you so bad people cannot hurt you." He looked at me and then the camera.

"Yeah?" I nodded.
"Ok! Now there is a camera I will sleep myself." I smiled. He is just afraid to sleep alone. It is Jungkook's fault when he told him we have guards to protect us from bad people. Now he has the idea bad people can catch him all the time.

"Ok now I want to show my playroom to them." He then push the stroller and took them to his playroom.
"What are you doing?" Jungkook came while was drying his hair. He came to me and pecked my lips.
"It is tour. House tour like to join us?" He chuckled.
"Who is the tourguide?" I chuckled.
"Taehyung! Just look at him." He then looked at Taehyung who was telling everything to twins.

"He is cute."
"Yeah! And he accepted to sleep alone."
"Yeah? I thought he never will accept."
"I told him we have cameras in his room and check him so bad people won't take him. Jungkook it is all your fault with the bad people story you told him the first day." I said and hit his chest.

"Baby! I didn't know he will take it like this. Anyway let's follow him. He cannot take care of Yoenjun and Beomgyu he himslef is little." I nodded and we followed Taehyung. God he is really cute and funny!

Jungkook pov

"Taehyung sit and eat baby!" Jin told Taehyung who wanted to go to twins.
"They are awake."
"Yeah but are not crying so sit and have your food."
"I want to eat with them."
"No! You must eat here. More they just can have milk. Your dad will go and bring them. Jungkook baby go and bring them we must feed them." I nodded and brought their cribs. Taehyung smiled as saw his brothers. He really loves them.
He actually did what he wanted to do with them.

Yeah we stick number 1 sticker on Yeonjun and 2 on Beomgyu so he can find who is who. Actually Yeonjun has a spot on his face but Beomgyu doesn't but it is hard for Taehyung to understand.

"Ahhh come to appa baby." Jin hold Beomgyu and I hold Yeonjun. They quickly started sucking on their bottles.
"Can I feed them?"
"Yes baby come to appa." Jin said and he went to Jin happily.

"Look you must take his bottle like this." I was alittle worry but he was doing really great.
"Ahhh my baby is really sweet to his brothers." Jin said and caressed his head.
He giggled.
"I want to feed Yeonjun too." He gave the bottle to Jin and came to me.

"Oh! He has spot here. Beomgyu doesn't have." He said showing the spot was on Yeonjun's nose.
I smiled.
"Yes baby! It is their difference. Now you can understand who is Beomgyu and who is Yeonjun without numbring them." My poor babies never thought their brother will number them.

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