17 (Brothers)

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Jin pov

"Jin baby sit here." I nodded and sit next to Jungkook. It was the last episode of Taehyung's filming. He did really well. I am proud of him.

"Taehyung you must go to your daddy and say your dailogue." He nodded but surprised everyone when he came to Jungkook.

"Taehyung baby why you come to us?" He faced me and pointed to the director.
"Uncle hyunie said come to daddy." We chuckled and the director came to us while the other actors were laughing.
"Baby he meant your daddy in the film not me."

"Yes Taehyung! Now come baby it is the last scene."
The director kneeled infront of him and said some things.

"Ok 1 2 3 action."
We were quite till he finished his dilouges and the shootimg was completed. It was a little hard for me to come here but I did my best to be time with him all the time. Being pregnant with twins is really hard. Even I am just 5 months I am big which everyone can notice I am pregnant. And after the shooting we are going to find their gender. I am really excited.

Jungkook likes to have a girl and a boy cause he himslef like to have a girl and we have a boy and Taehyung likes to have a brother. I don't mind till they are healthy.

"Cut! Yeahhhh! Clap for Taehyung Sullie and Baekhyun. They did great." They all clapped for them Taheyung giggled and quickly came to us.
"Appa daddy!" The director came to us and bowed.
"Thank you! Taehyung baby you were very good. I can say your son is very talented and will get progress. I didn't expect a child say these dilouges this well."

We smiled. Jungkook hold Taehyung and I kissed his cheek.
"Thanks Mr Lee."
He then went to the others.
"Oh Taehyung baby I will miss you."
The actor Park Chanyeol as his dad came.
"Me too. Thank you uncle."
He smiled and bowed to us. The other actors came and we spoke alittle with them too.

"Today the first episode will be on Tv don't miss that." We smile and nodded.
"Jungkook Seokjin!" Namjoon came with Sullie in his hold.

"Oh Namjoon!"
"Where is Hoseok?"
"He couldn't come. He is a months to give birth so the doctor said he must rest." I nodded.

"Sullie baby you did very well." She smiled.
"Thanks uncle Jinnie."
"Well Taehyung was fantastic too but I have something to tell you two."
We looked at eachother.
"Ok but Jin has appointment for his doctor. Ummm... you can come to our house?"

"Ok! Tell me when exactly you are at the house."

Jungkook pov

"What does he want to say?" Jin asked.
"Appa I am hungry."
"Baby here your juice and cake."
"Thank you." I then gave his juice and cake.

"I don't know. But it is about Taehyung I guess." He nodded.
I caressed his hand.
"Don't be worry. Today is an important day. We will find these angels' gender." He smiled and nodded.

"Yeah! I am really excited."
"Me too!"
"What do you think they are?" I asked.
"Why are you asking me? Jungkook I am not a sonogram." I chuckled.
"They are in your body. What your feeling tells you?"

He nodded and put his index finger under his lip.
"Ummm... let me think. I think they are both boys."
"Boys?" He nodded.
"This pregnancy is like the last one so I think they are boys."
I nodded. Three boys? But I wanted a girl too.

"Yeahhhh! I want two brothers."
"You don't like to have a beautiful sister?"
"No my brother will play with me. My sister will be like Sejun. She cries all the time." We chuckled.
"But Sehun cries alot too."
"I know but he is a baby. Uncle Jimin said babies cries. But Sejun is not a baby and always cries. I asked uncle Yoongi and he said it is cause she is a girl." We chuckled.

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