Love Me Like You Do (Ellie Goulding)

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Virgil smiled as he put on his Dad's old jacket and his Mother's necklace. He grabbed his guitar and left his house. He blushed as he saw Roman with a tank top on and jeans. "Welcome back, Verge." Monkey said with a smile. 

"Hey, Monk, what's our song today?" Virgil asked. "Love songs about the person you feel close too." Monkey said, "It can be more than one person, okay?" Virgil nodded. Patton was smiling brightly at him as well as Thomas and Logan. 

Princey and Deceit looked their way. "You like him, don't you?" Deceit asked with a smirk as he nudged Princey's side with his elbow. "I could ask the same about you and Patton." Princey said. Deceit blushed. "He looks so kind and sweet." Deceit whispered, "I doubt he'd ever talk to a hideous monster like me." Princey hugged him. 

"I seriously doubt it, Dee." Princey whispered. Deceit hugged him back. 

"Masked Ones, you sing first." Monkey called. Princey and Deceit smiled at her and got on stage. Princey smiled at Virgil from the stage and started to sing Closer by the Chainsmokers. 

Virgil blushed intensely to the point where he had to cover his face. Thomas was laughing his ass off. Patton was blushing lightly. Logan was smiling at Virgil. "FUCK OFF." Virgil hissed at them. "You LOOOOOOOVVVVVVEEEE him!!" Thomas squealed. Virgil glared at Thomas. 

"Uh oh." Logan and Patton said. 

"R U N." Virgil hissed. Thomas' eyes widened and made a break for it. "AHHHHHHHH!!!!" Thomas screamed. Virgil chased Thomas for a while until Monkey yanked Virgil away. 

"How many times am I gonna have to tell you Rodriguez's to stop killing everyone?" Monkey asked him, "You're just like your dad in so many ways, Kid." Virgil huffed and glared at her. 

"Your turn, Gay Pride!" Monkey called. Virgil huffed and jumped on stage with Logan, Patton, and Thomas. 

Virgil was about to start singing when a shock of green pinned him to the ground. Virgil looked at the person and glared at who he saw. 

"REMUS! GET OFF OF VIRGIL!" Thomas yelled. "MAKE ME!" Remus yelled. Remy pulled out a spray bottle and sprayed him. "EWW! WATER!" Remus screeched. Remy laughed. "I'll keep him distracted!" Remy called and ran after Remus. 

"Thanks, Remy!" Thomas called out. Virgil got to his feet and started to sing! 

(Play the song now)

Virgil smiled at Patton and looked at the crowd. Princey and Deceit were blushing madly underneath their masks. Virgil got to his knees and held out his hand to Princey to take. 

Princey stared at it and hesitantly took it with ease. Virgil smiled at him. Princey smiled back and blushed darkly making his ears and neck turn bright red as well as his cheeks. 

Virgil smiled and kept on singing. Patton smiled at them. He often whished he had someone to love and care for and would have someone to spend the rest of his life with. 

Once the song was finished, Princey and Virgil were looking into each others eyes. 

They were close until Remus crashed into them. Princey landed on his chest making his mask fall off his face. Virgil tumbled backwards and landed on his butt. 

Deceit rushed to Princey's aid and handed him the mask. "PRINCE! YOU NEED TO BE CAREFUL!" Deceit scolded, "Are you alright?" "I'm fine, Dee." Princey said. Virgil looked at them. Princey's back was to him as he put the mask back on his face. 

"I say we call it a day, Artists!" Monkey said, "Go home and get some rest! Tomorrow is your day off. We'll continue the day after, alright?" Virgil nodded. 

Princey and Deceit nodded. 

Virgil walked back home with questions filling his head. But one stood out the most... 


Hello, Everyone! It's JackieGirl47! Hope you like this chapter! Any Song Requests?? Lemme know in the comments below! Bye!! 


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