Sad Song (Part 2)

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The video above it just something you have to watch! It's fucking adorable!! XD Plus you already heard the song title from last chapter! Also some smut will be in this chapter, so beware the exclamation points, please!

Virgil helped Roman out of the car. It has been 2 weeks since the trial of Eliza Sanders, a week of visits in the hospital, and two days since Roman had checked out of the hospital. 

"Are you sure your dad and Abuelita are okay with me staying, Mi Amore?" Roman asked. "For the last time, Princey, they like you so the answer is yes!" Virgil said with a chuckle. 

Roman started to chuckle as well. 

Virgil opened the door  and a surprise was waiting for Roman inside the house. 

"SURPRISE!" Everyone shouted, "WELCOME BACK, ROMAN!" 

Roman jumped slightly but smiled at them when he brings himself back. 

"WOW! This is amazing!" Roman exclaimed. 

Virgil smiled at him. "Welcome home, Princey." Virgil told Roman with a peck on his cheek. 

Roman smiled and blushed as he was kissed on the cheek by his Emo Nightmare. Virgil chuckled. "What are you laughing at, Hot Topic?" Roman asked playfully. "Aw, you think I'm hot." Virgil teased. 

The others laughed and stated a conversation with one another. 

"Virgil, me and your Abuelita are gonna go out for a while." Alexander told Virgil, "We'll be back later tonight, okay?" "Okay, Dad." Virgil said with a smile. 

When everyone left, it was just Virgil and Roman alone in the house. Janus and Patton were going on their first date with Logan and Remus to the movies. Remy and Thomas were gonna play videogames at Thomas' house. 

Virgil looked at the clock. It was almost 10:00 at night. Virgil turned to Roman. "Wanna get ready for bed?" Virgil asked Roman. "Yeah." Roman replied with a yawn. The two walked to Virgil's room. 

Virgil gave Roman a red shirt and a pair of pajama pants. "You and Remus are the same size in clothes, I'm sure so I made sure he wasn't lying... AGAIN." Virgil told Roman. 

Roman smiled at him. Roman walked silently to the bathroom to change his clothes. Virgil smirked. He took off his jacket, and peeled off his shirt. He was skinny for an 18 year old. Virgil put on a long sleeved shirt, and started to take off his pants. He pulled them down and slipped into his pajama pants. 

"Okay, Princey, you can come in now." Virgil called. Roman walked in wearing the pajamas Virgil got him. Virgil smirked at him, pulled him in by the shirt, and kissed his lips. 

Roman groaned deeply as he kissed Virgil back. 


Virgil pulled him into the room and shut the door. Roman tugged at the hem of Virgil's shirt and rubbed his hands on Virgil's skin under the shirt. 

Virgil pulled away and took off his shirt. Roman kissed him again and took off his own shirt tossing it on the ground. Virgil back himself up and got on his bed with a playful, seductive smirk. 

Roman climbed over him and kissed him. He kissed down his neck and left hickeys everywhere he kissed. Virgil moaned and pawed at the waistband of Roman's pants. Roman smirked as he pulled down his pants and kicked them off the bed. 

Virgil blushed as his eyes trailed down Roman's entire body. His blush soon faded to sadness when he took a look at the now healed scars all over Roman's chest and arms. 

Roman saw the look and smiled sadly at him. "She's gone now, Mi Amore, she wont hurt me anymore." Roman told Virgil. 

"Roman... she knows about us. What happens if she gets out and hurts us again?" Virgil asked him. "She wont, Mi Amore, she's gonna be locked away for a long time." Roman assured the Emo Nightmare. 

"B-But-" "No buts. I know we never officially meet the first time... but I know I had fallen for you since the moment you shared your story with me." Roman told him, "And I meant it when I told you I loved you, Virgil." 

Virgil let happy tears fall. "I-I love you too, Roman." Virgil told Roman happily. Roman smiled and kissed his lips. Roman started to yawn. Virgil pulled Roman on top of him and covered him with a blanket. 

This was the first time they said "I love you to each other." And they had meant every word. 

Word count: 748 words

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