Glowing In The Dark (Girl and The Dreamcatcher)

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10 years later

Virgil Rodriguez Prince walked into his home from his job at being a Guitar teacher. He set down his guitar on the Guitar rack and picked up a wedding picture with his right hand. On his ring finger was a black ring with multicolored stripes. 

Virgil smiled. Someone hugged him from behind him. "What are you doing, Mi Amore?" a soothing voice asked in his ear. "Looking at our past for a bit." Virgil replied with a smile as he kissed his husband's lips. 

"Well we have a kid to pick up from his Uncle Patton and Uncle Janus's house." Roman said as he pulled away for a bit. "Yeah, we should go get him now." Virgil said grabbing the car keys. 

A little boy with dark brown hair, light chocolate brown eyes, and a beauty mark on his cheekbone sat outside coloring with a set of twins. A boy and a girl. The boy had light brown hair, blue eyes, and a birthmark over his left eye. His sister had dark brown hair, green eyes, and freckles on her cheeks.  

Patton Summers and his husband, Janus Slytherin (XD Because, it was what I was thinking about) watched them happily. "Pat Pat, look!" the dark haired boy called showing Patton his picture. "Wow, Virion! That's amazing!" Patton said with a smile. 

"Daddy! Papa! Look!" the light haired boy shouted pointing to Roman and Virgil's car. "Daddy! Papa!" Virion shouted clapping his hands. 

Roman kneeled down as Virion came running. Roman hugged his three year old son and smiled at Virgil. Virgil smiled as Payton and James Summers hugged him tightly. 

"Hey, Kiddos!" Patton called waving at them. "We're parents now, Patton!" Virgil and Roman called out. 

Remus and Logan chuckled at them. Logan held his 8 year old adopted daughter named Emily's hand and his newborn son, Alex in the other. Remus took Alex from Logan and smiled. 

Virgil ruffled his hair. "Daddy, can you pway music?" Virion asked Virgil. "Okay, Kiddo." Virgil said sitting on the grass in the front of Patton's house. Roman handed him the spare guitar he grabbed from the car. 

Virgil started to play music and started to sing. The whole friend squad sat in a circle and listened to Virgil. Thomas arrived soon and joined them. Then, both Roman and Virgil started singing in sync making the kids stand up and dance to their beautiful singing. 

Roman and Virgil smiled at each other. It took forever but... they were finally happy again

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