Locked Away (R. City)

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Virgil walked out of the woods with Roman. Roman was wearing his Masked Ones clothes. His simple white suit with little bits of gold, his boots, and his red sash. His face showed no emotion because he was hiding his fear. 

Virgil was filled with sadness. It was the deadline for bringing Roman Sanders in to his Mother's evil clutches. Roman was holding Virgil's hand tightly in his. 

Eliza Sanders smiled wickedly at the two who were completely devastated. Monkey stood beside her along with Janus (without his mask), Patton, Logan, Remy, Thomas, and Remus. They all held gifts in their hands. 

"They wished to give you parting gifts. Come join me in the car when they have said their goodbyes to you." Eliza explained (or growled) at Roman. Roman nodded his head. "Yes, Mother." Roman said. Eliza grinned evilly at him and got in the car. 

Patton walked up to Roman and hugged him. "Goodbye, Roman." Patton whispered. "Goodbye, Padre." Roman said, "You were the best friend slash father I could ever wish for." Patton gave him a sad smile. 

Janus smiled at Roman and hugged him. "Take good care of Patton and Virgil for me, Dee." Roman whispered to his best friend and singing partner. "I promise, Ro Ro." Janus whispered back. 

Monkey walked up to him and placed a medal around his neck. "Prince Sanders, you hereby the winners of the Battle of the Bands." Monkey said with a sad smile plastered on her face. Roman smiled back and bowed. 

Logan wished him farewell for he had not yet meet Roman or Princey officially. Thomas and Remy gave Roman a hug and started crying into his chest. Roman hugged them back. "Goodbye, Thomas and Remy." Roman whispered. "B-Bye, Roman." Remy and Thomas said. 

The last two were Virgil and Remus. Remus gave him a new phone. "Mother wouldn't approve so I would hide that if I were you." Remus said to Roman with a smile. "I will." Roman said. "All our phone numbers are in there in case you need to talk to us." Remus said. 

"Thank you... Brother." Roman told Remus. Remus smiled and hugged Roman. Both let tears fall. Remus was strong for too long... and Roman had never shed a tear since his father died. 

Roman looked at his best friend. 

His trusted person. 

His lover...

His Virgil...

"Virgil... I want you to know I'll always be there for you. Thick and thin." Roman said placing a hand on Virgil's cheek. Virgil looked into his eyes with tears. "P-Please... don't leave m-me..." Virgil cried. 

"I have too..." Roman told him with tears. "Why?" Virgil asked, "Why do you have to go?" "Because I love you." Roman told him. Virgil looked shocked. Roman placed a kiss on Virgil's lips and sobbed as he held him close. 

Virgil started sobbing as Roman was pulled away and was pushed into the car. When Roman got into the car, Eliza pointed to a cage on the floor of the car. Roman whimpered and got inside. "Bad pet. You're gonna have one hell of a punishment." Eliza hissed. 

Virgil watched the car as it started to drive away. Just like... 

Virgil stood with his patchwork hoodie unzipped and his guitar on his back. 

Virgil stood outside with the guitar on his back and the strap over his chest. 

"I love you, Virgil." Roman had told him. 

"I love you, Virgil." Alexander whispered. 

Roman had gotten into the car. 

Alexander stood and got into the car Virgil's uncle drove. 



Both Virgil's ran after the person they loved most and soon they were both....


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