Moving Day

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'The day is finally here! It's time to move into the dorms.' You look at your packed up car, then over to your parents, who are in tears.
"This day was coming mom and dad." You lamely state with a sigh.
"We know we know." They sniffle.
New things are coming up. New classes, new friends, a new life. Exciting right? Little did you know what excitement was in store for you.
You hug your parents a bit tight one more time.
As you pull away you smile.
"Thanks for everything. I'll call and visit as much as I can."
You mom brightens up at the response. She smiles while your dad chuckles.
"Well we will wait for you. Of course you don't-"
" Bye mom, bye dad love you guys."
Now for the hard part, actually going.
This home was a place of good memories, one of good times and bad times and better times. So much love in a home could not be walked away from. Step by step, you think about the memories.
"I'll be back for you-" you mutter.
You make it to the car and grip the steering wheel. It's time. You drive off, checking the rear view mirror every few minutes as the silhouettes of your childhood fade away.
-timeskip: 2 hours (the drive)-
You pull up to a two story house with a single car in front of it.

You walk up to the door and suddenly begin to get nervous

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You walk up to the door and suddenly begin to get nervous. 'I hope they like me...' you think to yourself, doubting they will. You knock on the story. The door opens, behind it a familiar smirk.
"Hey Chibi-Chan, I've missed you~" the man says. You cross your arms, 'when will the nickname die out?' You roll your eyes.
"Hey Kuroo." You try not to sarcastically say his name.
"Ahh~ so no hug? It's been some time." He pouts.
"Fine- there's no need to be a baby though." You hug him quickly to stop his ego from growing too big. Kuroo has always been so self-assured. Always teasing you about the smallest things, such as your height. You unpack your things from your car and begin to move them in with the help of Kuroo.
- timeskip: 4 hours (unpacked)-
After an exhausting amount of unpacking, you decide to lay down on your bed. Kuroo went off somewhere a few minutes ago.
"I brought snacks." Kuroo brags as he comes in with chips and two sodas.
"You're asking for me to break out." You complain.
"You'd still look just as perfect~" He winks at you.
"Stop it, you flirt." You look away as you feel your face heat up. He knows he has a way with words. You try to regain your composure and you feel an arm move around you. You look over and notice Kuroo's arm is now around your shoulder and he is looking for a movie to watch.
"Who said you could do that!" You blurt.
"You're not gonna stop me~" Kuroo teases.
He was right about that, you decide to change the topic.
"We need to make some rules in this house if we are gonna live together."
"Ah no fun~" Kuroo groans.
"Rules will make things run smoothly." You defensively state. You need these rules to stop yourself- from falling even harder for Kuroo.
"After the movie we can talk about those rules." He says, smiling at you.
You two watch the movie, but your mind is scrambling to make rules good enough to keep you from ruining the friendship you and Kuroo have.
~ End of Chapter 1 ~

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