His Cheerleader

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~ Day 9: Monday 7:45 am ~
You wake up to your alarm and notice that you're in your room. You sit up and check your phone, noticing you got a text from Kuroo.
                      ( Texting: Testosterone🤍 )
                                 Today 6:00 AM
                         (Testosterone🤍): Hey Chibi Chan, we have a game today so I decided to have an extra practice, so I left some money out so you could take the bus. Be safe and I love you~
                         (Testosterone🤍) Attachment: 1 Image

 Be safe and I love you~                         (Testosterone🤍) Attachment: 1 Image

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(Testosterone🤍): Kenma says hi.
                               ( Regular POV )
You smile at the image, then you save the picture and realize you've been smiling at your phone for the past 10 minutes. You jump out of bed and rush to get ready. You grab your stuff and as you're walking out to the bus stop and shoot him a text.
                      ( Texting Testosterone🤍 )
(You): Awe Kuroo 🥺 tell Kenma I said hey.
                                      (Testosterone🤍): Good morning sleeping beauty😘 we're almost done with morning practice so I'll walk you to your first class.
(You): ooh sounds like fun😼
                                       (Testosterone🤍): Are you coming to my game 😼
(You): and see my man in action? Wouldn't miss it for the world😉
                                       (Testosterone🤍): Man in action?!🙀 what happened to y/n? Who is this?!😾
(You): Okay asshole that was the last time🙄
                                       (Testosterone🤍): Wait no😿 do it again, I love you!
(You): mhm.
                                       (Testosterone🤍): Chibi Chan I see you getting off the bus you look so cute!
(You) Do you see me walking away from you?
                                       (Testosterone🤍): Wait up!
Read 9:50 AM
( Regular POV )
You walk towards your class, ignoring Kuroo running up behind you. He picks you up and starts rocking you like a baby. You, blushing like a madman, hide your face in his chest and people stare at the two of you. Kuroo stops rocking you and kisses you gently.
"You can put me down now." You say, trying to ignore the people. Kuroo ignores this and starts walking to your class. You hide your face in his chest as the two of you pass other classrooms. He puts you down at your classroom and gives you a peck.
"You did not have to carry me to my classroom." You angrily say, poking his chest. He softly laughs.
"Well I liked how tight you held on to me so I decided to kind of last minute. It was cute~" Kuroo confesses. You get even more flustered and hug him so that you can go to class. You hugs you back, making small circles on you back. You flinch and he leans in.
"What's wrong Chibi Chan?" He whispers. You push him off and rush into the classroom. Kuroo walks in front of the door and blows you a kiss before going to his own class. The rest of the school day went by normal after that.
- timeskip: 7 hours ( the school day ) -
As the bell rings you walk over to Kuroo's classroom, where he agreed to meet you before he had to get ready. As you walk in, you notice a girl talking to Kuroo, softly stroking his arm. This upsets you and so you decide to look away. Kuroo notices and shoots up, walking up to you cautiously.
"Y/n... it's not-"
"Not what it looks like right? You know what I don't give a shit. If I wasn't really special enough to be exclusive you should've never given me the idea. You know I'm not the type of girl Kuroo. You really did make me feel special. It was only a couple days... you know what? I'll just see you at home." You walk away defeated. You didn't see this, but the girl smirks and walks over to Kuroo, cooing at him.
                               ( Kuroo's POV )
"It's okay Kuroo, she never would've been better than me anyway~"
"I don't want you... how many times do I have to fucking say that? I told you I moved on, why can't you do the same and let me be happy?"
"Moved on?" She laughs.
"You can't move on from me, we're soulmates."
"I said that because I thought it was true... but I can't even begin to see you that way. Not after I met her... you fucked this up for me, just leave me alone." I get up and walk out of the room. Y/n probably doesn't want to be near me and texting her won't do anything, so I'll just go to my game.
- timeskip: about 30 minutes ( Kuroo and the team getting ready to go to the game ) -
I sit in the back and get on my phone. Kenma, who's sitting next to me looks over, concerned.
"What's wrong Kuroo?" He says.
"Y/n saw me with Hana and got the wrong idea..." I say, slumping in the seat.
"Don't get too bummed out! We have a game, so you should have fun!" Lev says, turning around.
"Yeah yeah..." I say looking through my text messages. 'Should I text her? If I do she'll probably be upset with me... fuck it.' I slowly type out what I had been meaning to tell her since she moved in.
                      ( Texting: Chibi Chan😻 )
(Me): I wanted to tell you about her but I never found the time. The girl is Hana, my ex-girlfriend. We dated when I was a first year and broke up the start of my second year. She usually does that before games and I try to keep her away from me but she doesn't understand my personal space. She comes to my games and tries the same bullshit. You probably don't believe me, but if you could come to the game I'll prove it to you. Please? 🥺 I love you Chibi Chan~
                                (Chibi Chan😻) You are an asshole you know that? Maybe I'll come maybe I won't.
(Me): I really hope to see you there...
                                (Chibi Chan😻) mkay.
                              ( Kuroo's POV )
I don't really have high hopes of her showing up... I know she's pissed so why would she? I turn off my phone and let out a sigh.
"What did she say?" Kenma and Lev ask.
"She said maybe she'll come." I say half-heartedly. Let's just hope y/n pulls through.
                               ( Your POV )
I clean up my room and look around. Why does he have this effect on me? I need to get it together. I decide to go to the game. I'm not going to let Kuroo make me waste a good $68 dollars for my game pass and not see every game. I put on my clothes and rush out the door, catching a ride with my friend from class.

         ( for reference, this is what you're wearing )                                 ( Regular POV )- timeskip: 39 minutes ( the drive ) -You arrive and look at the scoreboard

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( for reference, this is what you're wearing )
( Regular POV )
- timeskip: 39 minutes ( the drive ) -
You arrive and look at the scoreboard. Nekoma lost the first set by 2 points and Kuroo is getting ready to serve.
Kuroo serves the ball over, the ball speedily flying over the net. The other team steadily manages to get the ball back over. Kenma gets the ball and sets the ball to Kuroo. Kuroo hits the ball with insane force, causing it to crash onto the floor in front of the libero, with more intensity than the spike he hit when you played with him. The team celebrates.
"Nice kill Kuroo!" You yell. Kuroo looks over and the two of you make eye contact. Kuroo stares in shock, then his shocked expression turns into a soft smile. He waves to you and gets ready to serve again. This time, he hits the ball even faster than he did before, making the other team unable to stop it from hitting the ground. The team celebrates the service ace. As the game goes on, you cheer for Nekoma and they win the second set. At the start of the third set, Kuroo is substituted for another player so he can rest. As the set goes on, the teams are neck and neck. You see Kuroo get back into the game.
"Come on Nekoma, give them all you got!" You yell, hoping to spark some energy in the tired team. They score the next point and the energy seems to rebuild slowly. After a couple of back and forth point gaining, Kuroo lands the game winning spike and Nekoma celebrates their victory. You run down to Kuroo and jump into his arms. After a long well deserved embrace, you look at him angrily.
"Y/n..." You slap him in the face before he can get out his sentence.
"You're lucky I love the hell out of you. Don't let another girl ever come between us or so help me god I'll-" Kuroo interrupts your lecture with a passionate kiss. The kiss turns into multiple kisses and you melt into it. As you break away, you notice Hana standing there, gaping at the two of you.
"You didn't tell me about-" She gasps as you flip her off (once again... y/n is a bad bitch.)
"You had your time, it's over." You say coldly, then you give Kuroo another kiss. Kuroo smiles and looks you up and down, finally noticing the outfit you have on.
"You did this for me?"
"No, I did it because if I was going to show up, I was going to show out." You say smugly. Kuroo gives you a thumbs up.
"You definitely showed out Chibi Chan~" He coos.
"Ten out of fucking ten~" He praises.
"Oh I know~" You say, posing. Kuroo hugs you again and kisses your cheek.
"You're my cheerleader, and I don't want anybody else cheering for me but you." He whispers in your ear. You smile, knowing that he was being genuine. The two of you go to the car and drive home, listening to some music and enjoying each other's company.
~ End of Chapter 14 ~

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