Lights Out

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- Day 2: Monday 10:00 pm -
After studying for what felt like three years, you yawn and reach for your phone.
"Tired already? The night is still young~" Kuroo teases.
"Well for you, but we have school I don't want to-" Your nagging is interrupted by the shower you just received from spilling your coffee on yourself.
"Ah!" You wince. Kuroo picks up the cup and takes off his shirt.
"You're not gonna clean this up with that shirt are you?" You question, about to nag him for that too.
"No just wear it to bed." He tosses the shirt to you.
"I don't want you in the shirt much longer." You blush and grab his shirt. This shirt was your favorite shirt of his. You look up and notice he is still there. You blush and point to the door.
"Get out! I h-have to change..." You yell embarrassed.
" I was just leaving~" you walk out the door and closes it. You change into his shirt and it's way too big. Noticing how hot it is in your room, you decide to take off your pants and just wear the shirt since it covers everything.
"You done yet?" Kuroo calls from outside of your room.
"Yeah, what do you need?" You turn to the door. Kuroo opens the door and smiles. You don't know it, but seeing you in his shirt really made him happy, but his eyes moved away from the shirt noticing that your legs are out.
"Nice legs kitty~" he smirks. Your face heats up and you look away, embarrassed by his compliment.
"Shut up Kuroo, it's bedtime." You change the topic, trying to regain composure.
"I know I just came to get my stuff and go." He grabs his books and his phone and exits the room. You sigh and walk to your mirror and check yourself out. You don't notice Kuroo walk into your doorway and lean against the doorframe, checking you checking yourself out. You're messing with your hair in the mirror when you feel two hands gently grab your waist and hot breath hit your neck.
"You look so good in my shirt kitty~" Kuroo whispers. All of the composure you had leaves as soon as you realize what's going on. 'He's so close.' You think. He gently pulls you closer to him and he chuckles, his breath still on your neck.
"K-Kuroo..." you let out a sigh and Kuroo turn you around and pins you against your mirror.
"Yes?" He says. You look try to look away, but he used his free hand to keep you from doing so.
"L-lights out!" You studder, unable to find the right words. He doesn't say anything, but the moves his hand from your face to your leg as you try to hold back your excitement.
"Bedtime is at-" before you finish, Kuroo cuts you off by kissing you. The kiss grows passionate and you wrap your arms around him. This only makes him pick you up, not breaking the kiss, and place you on the bed. He breaks the kiss suddenly.
"It's late, goodnight kitty~" Kuroo whispers in your ear. He winks and walks out of your room, turning you light off while you lay on your bed. Now in darkness, you think about what the heck just happened. 'Such a tease!' You whine internally. You turn over if your bed and manage to fall asleep an hour after thinking about it.
                         ~ End of Chapter 5~

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