Tutor Me

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- Day 2: Monday 5:00 pm -
You went through school per usual, you were just ready to go home. You took the bus home because Kuroo had practice. You get home and go straight up to your room to try to study for your math test. Your studying is practically useless because math sucks and you suck at it, so you sit there, staring mindlessly at that sheet of numbers for about 2 hours.
- timeskip: 2 hours (your sad study sesh) -
You hear the door open followed by a couple of footsteps.
"Y/N! I'm home!" The voice calls out. 'Why is he so loud?' You wonder, still mindlessly staring at your notes. You hear more footsteps and a knock. The door opens.
"Knock knock~" Kuroo coos.
"Hey Kuroo." You answer, not moving your gaze from your notes.
"Is that math?" He asks as he looks over to your notes.
"Man you're really fucking bad at math, so why would you try to study alone?" He laughs lightly.
"Don't use that language! And I can get some math done you know." You pout.
"You can get some done, but let me see where you're at now." He casually sits on your lap and you push him off.
"You just got back from practice! Go shower and then you can try to help me." You pinch your nose and look away. He walks out the room and you sigh.
- timeskip: about 30 minutes (his short shower) -
Kuroo walks back into your room freshened up... and shirtless. 'If I tell him one more time-'
"Let's get started shall we?" He says, interrupting your thoughts. You nod. He sits on your bed and motions for you to sit next to him.
"I'm not gonna sit on you lap to fit that chair, as much as you want me to~" He lowers his tone and you jolt up. You refuse to turn around so that he doesn't see how flushed that made you.
"Turn around kitty~" he coos.
" I've got to get something f-from over here!" You rummage through a random cabinet from your desk. You feel two hands around your waist, then your feet leave the ground and you shoot up in response.
"P-put me down right now!" You whisper yell, unable to actually yell.
"No time for games Y/N, we've got work to do~" Kuroo whispers in your ear. You freeze up and he puts you on the bed. He sits next to you and opens the notebook, reading the poor notes that you made. 'So he's going to act like he didn't just do that?!' You're in shock as you stare at him, looking for him to react.
"Y/N these are some shitty notes you have. I can see why you can't study." He grabs your pencil and starts rewriting your notes.
"I-I tried, plus they're not even that bad." You cross your arms and look away.
"Awe, e for effort kitty~" he says and smiles. He finishes rewriting the notes and turns to you.
"Now Y/N, let's see what this does~" he gives you your notebook and you stare at the notes. They're amazing. Kuroo can make good notes? How come he never said anything?
"These... are really good Kuroo." You say in disbelief.
"Have some faith in me, did you really think I'd be able to play on the team if I was bad at any of my schoolwork? Come on." He says defensively, rolling his eyes.
"I'm just surprised that they're this good." You say, trying to do some damage control. You two look over the notes and study for about an hour and a half. You begin to understand all of the work and gain some confidence for the upcoming test. Kuroo looks at you and smiles.
"How about we do something fun, as a reward~" he suggests.
"What do you have in mind?" You ask, not really sure what you're getting yourself into.
"As long as it isn't more studying, it sounds like a plan." You cross your arms. Kuroo leans in close to you and closes your notebook. He moves to your ear and whispers:
"Roger that kitty~"
~ End of Chapter 4 ~

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