Childhood Days (ImperfectPsychotic04) wk-4

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Childhood Days

Bubblegum bubble-soft like balloons,

Floated fleetingly with the wind.

As Doki and I played with our spoons,

Dipped in delicious chocolate and aligned.

Along the Summer Stars as we flounced,

Rejoicing with the teal kites and tweeting birds.

Doki dreamt of the clouds; which took him to the lilac skies unannounced,

Whilst I peered from behind the pages to find the sheep herds.

Aiming towards us in a frenzy, I could only see;

As I startled him in a hurry.

Doki yawned and manoeuvred to face the tree,

He suddenly offered to climb and stall the furry.

Hesitatingly I broached to take my book,

When I noticed a sight obscure and hazy.

An innocent lamb laid hurt by the blue brook,

As Doki urged me to follow him quickly.

But how could I leave the poor lamb to suffer,

I knew I had to save him and sauntered.

Leaving Doki to scream at my foolishness only to recover,

As I made my way to the lamb unaltered.

The flock of sheeps hurdled past me to clutter,

As Doki joined me to save the lamb who whimpered.

We fed him with some water and grass as he let out a painful shudder,

Doki suggested to carry him then unhindered.

As I called upon my mother who helped us in need,

I hold the memory close to me whatsoever like a seed.

Ingrained in my mind like a sweet lullaby to be,

Doki and I still share pipe dreams to lead and succeed.

But the little lamb holds us together and carefree,

In our childhood days when we lived with glee.

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