Fannie (naomimrshl) wk-2

38 9 11


One sunny day a girl named Fannie

Ran away from her napping Nanny

She took her favorite spider

A big-eyed one named Ryder.

She put Ryder in her pocket

And ran off like a rocket

When a drop of rain woke Nanny up

She called for Fannie - than gave up.

Nanny packed up all her clothes

And joined the circus down the road.

Fannie's parents were distraught

But, before long, they both forgot.

So, Fannie, and her spider, Ryder,

Wandered through woods and fields of flowers.

Till one day, the beach they breached

And Fannie thought "this is as far as land can reach".

We will build a small hut here,

And make our live'n sell'n sea oat beer."

So Fannie gathered up some driftwood

While Ryder dug up clams for supper food.

They slept, that night, beneath the stars,

Dreaming of a sea oat bar.

In the morning they got started

Combing the beach for wealth discarded.

Within a year, they had built their business.

To hard work, they gave their witness

Sea Oat beer was all the rage...

for Tourists of an adult age.

For twenty years they brewed the potion -

Of leaving there, they had no notion.

The hut had grown into a yert

And their beer was legal cause they signed the paperwork.

Then, one fine and sunny day,

Fannie noticed a couple come'n her way.

She offered them a taste of beer...

They toasted her with smiles and cheer.

"We heard that you survived.

We were not surprised.

You always were a rebel,

But hardly worth the trouble."


"Daddy, this is the worst bedtime story ever!"

Fannie said, as she hunkered down neath the covers.

Her Daddy chuckled, then he said,

"Would you prefer to sleep on the beach instead?

From Nanny, you must never run away!

You scared her into yesterday!"

Fannie yawned as she burrowed into her pillow.

"Tell Nanny she needs to run faster."

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