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Adrianna Carolli - Jada Kingdom

Agenis Alt- Robert Christopher Riley

Adrianna walks speedily to the entrance of the tall, immaculate building, her soles aching in her heels.

Stilettos are just not made for running.

She pushes the revolving doors, entering a clean and professional lobby, designed with a monotonous grey theme.

Employees and visitors walk around the area, glancing her way as her Stilettos tap rapidly on the tiled floors but she pays them no mind.

A man with blonde hair stands at the receptionist's desk, in a chic, black suit and black-rimmed glasses.

She stops short at the desk, trying to calm her breathing and the man observes her with a raised brow.

"My name is Adrianna Carolli. I'm here for an interview with Mr. Alt," she says sounding just as breathless as she feels.

She had missed her bus earlier this morning and had to take one that dropped her a mile away from here. Adrianna had to run in five-inch Stilettos to reach her interview on time.

To sum it up her feet are killing her.

The air conditioning cools her heated skin and she's thankful for the relief. At this time of the year, rain usually blankets the streets of London but the sun decides to make a prolonged appearance today.

"Just a minute," he says as he checks the computer in front of him.

Adrianna takes this time to lean on the desk and compose herself, there is no need for her to get the collywabbles now.

No matter how knackered she feels, she has to put up a brave front. After all, that's what she gets for spending the night at the pub with Taylor rather than getting a good night's rest.

A wazzock, that's what is she is...

"You're right on time Miss Carolli," the man named Harry, as shown on his name tag, says with a smile. "Go to the lift on your right and stop on the top floor. An employee will assist you from there."

She thanks him profoundly before making her way to the lift, catching the doors before they close. She presses the button for the top floor and burrows her way to the back, smiling at the two other female occupants.

She takes off her coat as the lift ascends, folding it over her right arm as the two ladies talk between themselves. Adrianna uses a handkerchief to pat her face, not wanting to look like a sweaty mess when she meets her interviewer.

The lift pings and the two women exit with giggles, speaking in hushed tones.

As the door closes, Adrianna takes a moment to look at her reflection in the doors.

A fitted black skirt that falls to her knees, a silk white button-up blouse and black stilettos. Simple yet professional.

She has chosen to wear a deep curl, 48 inches wig since her pixie cut was looking more like a pancake this morning.

It took almost an hour to fix since she was a bit legless from last night but she had done it nicely. After all, her parents are both hairstylists so she picked up a few things.

The elevators open and she steps out, a slim, blonde meeting her at the door. She's in a black dress with red bottom heels and a Bob cut frames her face.

As she looks at Adrianna, she raises a brow in...disbelief, disgust? Whichever it is, it didn't matter to Adrianna.

She has gotten used to women eying her because of her size. Having broad hips, a big ass and tits to match with a noticeably smaller waist, always evoked those looks from women of smaller sizes. Then, add in the fact that she was There came other hateful stares from people trapped in their narrow-minded thinking...

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