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Adrianna awakes with a start, her phone blaring a familiar ringtone.

She groans at the gentle pulsing in her head and turns onto her back following the sound of 'Bottom Bitch' by Doja Cat. She finds her phone on the work desk next to her bed.

"Hello?" she answers, massaging her temples as her head throbs.

"I'm ten minutes away," she hears and she recognizes Edina's voice.

"Why?" Adrianna moans getting her feet, her brain a bit slow this morning.

She doesn't remember much of last night, just that she was at The Alts for Agenis' Congratulation party and Ashley coaxed her into drinking a few sherbets then nothing.

She must have gotten trollied and at a business party. Bloody hell!

"Adrianna," Edina sighs on the other side of the line. "Please tell me you are not hangover right now. We have to be at the airport in an hour or we miss our flight to New York. You know how London traffic is."

Oh, bloody hell! She is to go to New York today.

"Oh, yeah. I totally remembered. I'll be ready!"

Adrianna cuts the call before bursting through her bedroom door and into the hall.

"Taylor, I need a fav—" she starts to say but stops short as she sees her travelling bags packed and resting next to the flat's door.

She looks up at a smiling Taylor who is leaning on the counter in a black sports bra and boy shorts. Her hair is down this morning and her face fresh and lifelike not dead and droopy as Adrianna's.

"I packed for you. When your alarm went off for your morning workout and I noticed you weren't up, I figured you were legless," Taylor answers with a smirk, sipping from her mug. "Breakfast is also in the microwave for you."

"You're a life saviour!" Adrianna praises running up to hug Taylor before pulling back and making her way to the bathroom.

"Least I can do. By the way, your boss carried you home last night," Taylor pipes up causing Adrianna to freeze.

Adrianna looks back at her with wide, surprised eyes.

"Yeah, he was here when I came in around 5 this morning. The dude's totally into you, Adri. He didn't want you to leave you alone so he stayed on the couch," Taylor muses eying her friend. "Ever think of giving him a chance? I mean, I like vagina but that boy is fine..."

Adrianna allows Taylor's words to wash over her. Agenis was in her flat and slept over.

Looking down at herself, she notices the nightgown she wears, she didn't put that on and if Taylor came in at 5, she didn't... Did she?

Adrianna looks up at Taylor with questioning eyes, gesturing to her nightgown and Taylor shakes her head, having an idea what Adrianna is asking.

"Nope, that was all him."

Had Adrianna been of light complexion she would be red right now. He changed her.

The old grandfather clock in the corner of the room chimes, marking the 10th hour and Adrianna snaps out of her thoughts. She can freak out later, she needs to get ready now.

"Edina will be here in a few minutes. Buzz her in will you?!" she shouts to Taylor, making her way to the bathroom.

Adrianna doesn't know how she does it but in 10 minutes flat she is out of the bathroom and manages to pull on a pair of black sweat pants that look like leggings on her and a big T-shirt. Her hair was a disaster when she woke up so she had to scrap the wig and pull on a tom since she has no time to treat her pixie cut.

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