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 "So what did he do after you dropped the bomb?" Shea asks eagerly, her pyjama pants cladded legs pulled to her chest.

"Well, I kissed him and told him he didn't need to say it back until he was ready..." Indie says sitting with her legs folded.

"So, he didn't say anything at all?" Edina asks.

"He looked like he wanted to but then he bit it down and well distracted me..."

Indie didn't have to tell them what that entailed. They know it all too well.

"I swear, you two are like hormonal teens," Adrianna pipes up in her thick British accent, scrunching her nose and Indie rolls her eyes.

"We're not. We just enjoy the comfort of each other."

Adrianna is lying down on her stomach, her face taking up majority of her fourth of the screen. She's in a white robe that barely manages to handle all her curves, her hair has been cut lower, her skin has gotten a darker tan and she's munching on a bar of chocolate like it's her lifeline.

"So, should we expecting to be godmothers soon?" Edina asks her voice sounding a bit low.

On her quarter of the screen, Edina is standing away from her camera so they get a full-body view of her. The large window behind her reveals its night-time which explains the sexy, silk nightgown she's in. She has a seaweed mask on her face and a towel wrapped around her head as she scurries around the kitchen, cooking.

"Well, I'm not too sure..." Indie replies before placing her hand against her stomach. "Maybe... The thought of having a baby both scares and excites me right now."

"Trust me I know how you feel," Shea pipes up. "I just found out a week ago and already I'm craving weird foods."

Shea puts the spoon in her bowl before she takes a pickle from the jar that's leaning on her hip. She then dips the pickle in the ice cream and takes a bite.

"Yuck!" Adrianna says as she gags looking away from the screen, Edina and Indie sharing the same sentiments.

"Yuck to you, yummy for baby and mommy," she grins eating her weird combination.

Adrianna listens as her friends bicker scrunching up her face as she heard someone talk about ketchup.

"Yuck," Adrianna says with a disgusted look on her face. She always hated ketchup but ate tomatoes. The girls never understood it. "Can you guys stop? You are making us, single women feel like never getting pregnant, ever."

Her chest hurts her as she says the word 'single' but it is true... she was no longer with Ag—

"Funny coming from Miss I-like-vaginas and Miss Can't-destroy-my–bo—" Shea starts to comment breaking Adrianna's train of thought but she is interrupted when an incoming facetime pops on the screen.

The screen now splits into five as Indie's mom joins the call.

"Guys, Mom is now on the call," Indie says excitedly for those who weren't paying much attention to the screen.

Edina looks over to her phone coming closer, her nightgown taking up the screen and Momma Blake jumps in fright as Edina leans down her green face popping up on the screen.

"Fuck!" she exclaims and the girls laugh as Momma Blake places her hand over her chest.

"Hey, Momma Blake!" Shea says waving at the startled woman who smiles returning her greeting.

They both converse and Adrianna half listens to them, her depressing thoughts drowning out their voices. What had happened five days ago in Agenis' office is still fresh in her mind and she feels herself slipping.

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