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 "She's not here," Taylor replies as Agenis runs a hand down his face in frustration.

Adrianna did not return to work, she's not picking up her phone and neither is Ashely. Agenis went to the restaurant only to learn they had left sometime pass 2 p.m., then he went to Ashely's flat, they weren't there. Now they aren't here.

Normally, he wouldn't freak out about this but Adrianna's words have sparked uncertainty in him.

Shaking his head, Agenis refuses to believe it. Maybe they are out shopping or something. Ashely has a habit of dragging persons along with her ...but Adrianna would've called to let him know... Agenis' mind is a mess right now.

Two hours, she's been missing for two hours and he can't contact her, then he remembers how frantic she sounded on the phone. It has him scared that something happened to her.

This is not like her, she tells him if she's going out so he doesn't sit at home worrying about where she is. Even then, she texts him now and again so he doesn't sulk around missing her too much. A playful photo here and a random question there but never allowing her phone to ring out and not answering...

His phone chooses that moment to ring and as he swiftly pulls it out. Maybe it's her!

He sees George's name on the display.

Agenis answers the call his gut telling him this isn't something he's going to like and when the PI talks a lump cogs Agenis' throat.

"I'm here with the receptionist and he said a woman booked a room here not too long ago. She's frequent in the area. He described her as black with legs for days. She always wore a new wig each time so he can't tell which colour her real hair is and she wears shades majority of the time."

Frequent in the area. Black woman with legs for days. Honestly this could've been any one but with what Adrianna has told him it's too coincidental.

"Show him a photo of Ashely Alt and tell me if he recognizes her," Agenis grits out praying that this a misunderstanding and it is not her.

The PI does as he instructs and Agenis curses in Greek as the receptionist confirms that she is the woman. After shouting instructions to his PI on how to proceed, Agenis hangs up the phone and starts pacing.

Where can they be? Why would she do this?

"Agenis what is going on?" Taylor asks and Agenis turns to look at her, fear in his eyes.

"Adrianna is missing a-and I think my sister may be behind it," he breathes out and Taylor's eyes widen. "I checked her place and even called dad to see if they are at the house but they aren't there... I don't know."

"I'm calling Gina. She's a Bobby, she can help." (Bobby is the slang for Police in London)

Agenis nods and mentally scolds himself for not think of calling the police. The shock is making him impractical and he needs to get his shit together.

"Call your Bobby, I will go and check a few more places Ashely is frequent at." Agenis says as he makes his way to the door. "Ashely drives a red Bentley Continental GT ask them to keep an eye out for the vehicle."

Agenis tells her the plate number before leaving the flat driving all over the city checking Ashely's agency, her close friends' flats and hotels she usually crashes at but nothing. Gina has all available units looking for Adrianna, Ashely and her vehicle. Hopefully, they find her before something horrible happens.

He should've taken Adrianna more seriously, if he did she'd be here with him safe and sound. Bloody hell!

It is a little after six and Agenis just left a pub where the Ashely and her model friends usually hang out, coming up empty again, when his phone rings and Adrianna's number pops up.

Alt+3 (DSD SERIES SPINOFF) ✅Where stories live. Discover now