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Adrianna takes a deep breath before descending the stairs.

She is now in baggy sweats and a grey t-shirt. She had brought up her issue with being underdressed, especially around her boss and he had left the room to allow her to dress appropriately.

Adrianna spots Agenis sitting on the sofa, a bottle of wine and two glasses on the glass, coffee table.

"Do you care for a drink?" Agenis asks as she comes into view.

"It's not appropriate for an employee to become intoxicated around her boss. I will pass but thank you Mr. Alt," she replies politely before sitting in the one-seater to his left.

Agenis' jaw clenches but he doesn't comment. He pours himself a drink before downing and rolling his shoulders.

Adrianna can't help but stare at him. He had scrapped the jacket and rolled up his sleeves, showing off his ink and muscles. The sight has Adrianna almost drooling but she looks away from him.

He withheld the fact he had a fiancée... He cheated... He used you Adrianna. Do not give in to him.

"Adrianna," he says softly and her heart clenches. He called her Adrianna, not baby girl or Koritsáki. She guesses they are now reserved for Tess Jordon, his fiancée.

Their engagement was the talk of the week and everywhere Adrianna looked they were there, taunting her. She had given so much to Agenis only for him to fuck her over... Why didn't she learn from her experiences over the years? Men ain't shit.

"Yes, Mr. Alt?" she asks keeping it professional.

Sighing, Agenis looks at her with pleading obsidian eyes. "I know how all this looks but it's not as black and white as it seems."

"I was there. I heard your words."

"Yes but there is a reason..." Agenis is quick to shoot back. "Tess and I have been friends for years. We know each other from diapers and she has had my back for years that's why when I asked her—"

"Agenis, there is no need to explain to me why you've rekindled whatever you had," Adrianna snaps her mood darkening as she hears him talk about Tess so fondly.

She gets it; Tess is the better woman. She is beautiful, sexy and confident while Adrianna barely gets by with her looks. Additionally, she's fat, insecure and her need to be treated like a child is weird. Of course, he would pretend to understand for the sex, whether oral or vaginal, but now better has come. He didn't need to settle for less anymore.

"I am fine. You two are in want her...You've settled for me and now, you've found better. I understand that," Adrianna says blankly as she tries to hold back her tears and fight the nagging voices in her head. "You don't need to pity me. We had fun our fun and now, it's time for you to move on to better."

Agenis stares at her, confusion etched in his features. He observes her, his eyes drilling into her and she feels vulnerable, weak.

Fat. Ugly. Stupid. Easy. Weak.

"Um, it was nice talking to you Mr. Alt but I need to leave," Adrianna rushes out as the thoughts in her head get louder.

They scold her for being so stupid and placing her in this position. The words of her past tormentors haunt her, telling her that is imperfect, useless, broken... and that's why Agenis chose Tess over her.

She makes her way to her room swiftly but the pounding of boots tell her Agenis is pursuing her.

"Koritsáki, stop!" Agenis grabs her before she can reach her room and traps her against the wall.

Alt+3 (DSD SERIES SPINOFF) ✅Where stories live. Discover now