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Adrianna runs on her treadmill, her mood light and happy, It has been a week since her night at the BDSM club and she and Agenis' relationship has been growing strong.

He has taken her out on dates, spending his money on her and keeping her sexual needs in check. Adrianna has told him repeatedly that she doesn't need new stuffies or roleplay costumes but her Baba wouldn't have it. Once he found out about her love for dressing up, it has become his favourite pastime to buy outfits and have his baby girl model them for him. Usually it ends with both sexually charged but never having sex.

Agenis wants to give her time to get accustomed to their new relationship, a DDLG and SM relationship. Adrianna had wanted to compromise with Agenis since he is willing to tweak his kink to support hers and so they decided to incorporate techniques in SM to their relationship.

So far, the bounding, the paddle spankings and more hardcore toys. Her kinky is light play but Agenis has helped her to find pleasure in pain.

Nelly and Kelly Rowland's Dilemma starts to play and Adrianna smiles as she reaches for her phone answering.

"Good morning, Master," Adrianna grins as she continues to run. She still has ten minutes to go before she has to get ready for work.

Agenis had told her she could call him Daddy or Master so she tends to switch to between both depending on their play session.

"Good morning, Koritsáki," he replies in a deep, raspy voice which causes her a shiver to run down her spine. Damn, he sounds good in the morning. "How are you feeling today?"

Adrianna blushes bright red before replying. "My bum is a bit sore but the cream you rubbed on it makes it bearable."

"That's good, maybe that will teach you not to be a little brat," he chuckles and Adrianna's cunt pulses as she remembers yesterday.

She had gone into his office to deliver a file while Agenis was on the phone and she thought it was a good idea to lift her skirt before climbing on his lap and grinding on his hard-on. She was being a brat on purpose and her Master didn't disappoint, giving her a proper punishment right there on his desk. Her mouth wrapped round his dick, her hands bounded and a cane smacking her bare ass.

Her nipples harden at the memory.

"I like to be a brat. It is fun," Adrianna answers sweetly and Agenis chuckles.

"I bet you do. Today I want you to wear a skirt with a button up," he states. "In your closet there is a box with a few presents for you. I want you to wear the red set."

Normally, Agenis doesn't dictate what she wears but when he does it's normally because he has something planned and Adrianna can't wait.


"Lass," Roger says popping into Adrianna's office and she looks up from the files. "The meeting is in ten minutes."

Adrianna's eyes widen, she had totally forgotten that the monthly company meeting is today. Standing from her seat, she closes the files and takes off her glasses.

"Okay, you will come with me since Harry is out with the cold. I will be ready in few minutes."

Roger nods before stepping out of the room and Adrianna looks at the body length mirror in her office, ensuring she looks presentable.

Roger nods before stepping out of the room and Adrianna looks at the body length mirror in her office, ensuring she looks presentable

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