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Agenis sighs as he watches Adrianna from across the room. She is in the armchair, her legs tucked under her and accounting files in her hands.

Her eyes move over the papers, her thick-rimmed glasses perched on her nose. She is in a large T-shirt and leggings, her hair under a black tom. She looks so beautiful without all the makeup, sophisticated clothes, and wigs and Agenis can't help but admire her.

This is not where he wanted to be right now, he would've preferred to have his baby girl to himself, writhing under him in pleasure and not in Tess' apartment looking over files and hacking into systems.

Adrianna had been away from him the entire weekend having attended her friend Shea's wedding. Agenis was like a sulk puss the entire time, missing her physical company and wanting her body against his. After that night in the hotel, they could barely keep their hands off each other.

They had taken the next day off, fucking until they couldn't move. When they make love, it's unlike anything he has ever felt before with anyone and when he looks into her eyes he can tell she feels the same.

Now after two days without his favourite drug, he wants nothing than to smother her with love, affection and cock.

"I think I've found it!" Tess says drawing both his and Adrianna's attention.

They move towards the woman in the love seat and watch as her fingers move other the keyboards in rapid succession.

"It took a while but I've pinpointed the location that email came from," Tess says before entering a code and removes her hands from her laptop, watching as something loads onto the screen. "They put a lot of work into this. Their virus totalled my last laptop but now, I've got those fuckers."

A location pops up on the screen and Agenis wastes no time pulling out his phone.

"George, we have a location. It is from the same island you're on," Agenis says, addressing his PI.

The address on the screen is in the same country as the offshore account, The Cayman Islands. He had sent George there a few days ago to see if he would have better chance at catching whomever is orchestrating this but no such luck. This may be the breakthrough they need and with a few days to go until his wedding, it couldn't have come at a more opportune time.

They talk for a few minutes before Agenis ends the call, happy that something is finally going their way in this case.

"That is awesome," he hears Adrianna say as she looks at Tess' laptop. "You are really good at this stuff. I learned the skill in school but I lack the eyes to hands coordination needed when it comes to speed coding."

Adrianna is leaning over the love seat, her breasts swished against the top and Agenis can't help looking at them...she just had to forget her bra.

When Tess had called them about being close to locating where the email was sent from, he had been in the middle of something—or should he say in the middle of Adrianna—and they had to rush to Tess' place.

They needed this thing sort before the wedding bells ring so it was top priority and Adrianna understands that.

Tess smiles cheekily looking up at Adrianna or rather her breasts before smirking. "Thank you, Adrianna... I didn't really have that issue, my hands are quite deft."

Adrianna smiles, the innuendo going over her head.

"That's good. Numbers are really my forte but I'm glad you found your calling in the computer sciences," she replies before making her way back to her seat and pulling the files into her lap.

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