#7 ~ (Unique) Magic

547 11 2

Trey  Clover x sick g/n reader


You felt awful.

You've been laying limp in your bed for the entire morning. No matter what or how much - or better said, how few - you ate, nothing seemed to be willing to stay in your stomach for long.

"Ugh... why did I eat that thing...?"

That's right. If the previous day you wouldn't have been so naïve to agree to try Lilia's cooking, you would have easily avoided that sickness. 

And yet there you were.

You left out a tired hum when someone knocked. A smile slowly blossomed on your lips as you saw your boyfriend entering your room.

Trey sat on the edge of your bed, leaving soft kisses on your forehed, cheeks and lips.

"Sorry I haven't come sooner..."

"It's okay, you don't have to apologise. I'm so happy you're here..." you tried to gather the last bits of power you had to sit and hug him, but he gently pushed you back on the matress, giving you a kiss.

"Here, this should make you feel better."

He took out a small bottle, pouring its content in a silver spoon. 

The strong smell that came out of the vial, mixed with the awful colour of the slimy potion were about to make you puke again.

"Don't worry, it won't be so bad."

You grudgingly oped your mouth as he gave you the medicine with a soft smile. You shut your eyes, ready for the worst.

It's... It's so sweet!

You savoured the fruity taste of the potion with a smile. 

"It wasn't that bad, was it?"

"It looks and smells awful but it's actually delicious!"

Trey caressed your cheeck, chuckling: "There's no way I would have let my sweetheart have a medicine that tastes so awful in this condition..."

Before you could say anything, he shut your mouth with a kiss.


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