⚠ #24 ~ Heartslabyul

773 16 0

Character(s) Death(s)

Unspecified MC (they/them)



They snuggled in their jacket in the attept to find some warmth, while the thick fog kept scratching their face with invisible shards of ice.  

The beam of the phone's flashlight pierced through the darkness, ocassionally falling on a cross or a tombstone. They looked at the screen.

The clock was still frozen at midnight.

How long has it been since they wondered in that cemetery, they had no idea. They didn't have any memory of how they found themselves there either.

A voice echoed against the tombstones.

"Hello? It's someone there?"

"_____... _____..."  

A cold shiver crawled down their spine, spreading through their entire body. Their heart hammered in their chest.

"Who are you? Hello?"


The silhouette of a boy holding a lantern appeared from the fog. White ribbons adorned his black clothes, while a dark veil covered his face.

"W-who are you? How do you know me?" when they pointed the flashlight at the stranger's face, their limbs began to shake.

"Come on, _____, have you alreday forgotten?"

A whispered "what" escaped their lips, eyes wide in terror and confusion.

"It's me, Ace! Your classmate and friend! You don't have to make that face."

"No... No no no! You're not real! Who are you?" they began to back away, until their back hit something. They turned around, only to see another boy with the same dark clothes and veil, holding the same lantern. 

"It's okay, _____, you don't have to be scared." they laid their hand over their shoulder.

"You... D-Deuce?" their voice barely audible, tears beginning to form in the corners of their eyes.

No... no... no no no no no! No!

"Here, come with us, it's not safe to stay out here" Ace's gloved hand gently reached theirs. They shook it off, pushing both the boys away. They disappeared into the darkness, Ace's voice resonating in the night, followed by the sound of steps, chasing their friend.

No, no, no, they aren't real, they can't be real...

They died last year in an accident, it can't be them...

Blinded by the fear and the fog, they ended up bumping into another person.

"Please, help me! There's someone chasing me!"

The person in front of them turned around, revealing a man with the same clothes as the other two boys, a diamon drawn right under his left eye.

"Oh? Another lost soul?" A smile appeared on his face "No need to worry, you'll be safe and sound with us!"

"Please, come this way" a man wearing glasses, a clover drawn uder his right eye, gave them his hand, the other leaning towards the paved path. Just when they where about to take it, another wave of electricity ran through their body.

Before they could run away, the man with the diamond dragged them in an alley surrounded by crosses and tombs, statues of weeping angels on each side.

The men brought them in front of a tomb surrounded by candles and red roses, a boy sitting with his legs crossed over it.

"You're late, just like your friends, I see..."

"W-what are you talking abou-"

"QUIET!" his voice thundered. He got up, looking down at the lost soul with emotionless steel eyes.

"Our time is running short... Any last words before leaving?"

"....What... What is going on?"

The candles were blown by a gust of freezing wind. The dark silhouette of a creature a gown towered behind the boy, hiding the full moon. It swang the giant scythe above its crowned head as the boy's words rang:



They woke up, a dark veil was laying on their face. Ace and Deuce kneeled at each side of the coffin, watching their friend with mournful smiles,

Together, once again, in the afterlife. 


A/N: I was thorn between making this a reader insert or a Yuu/MC insert, so I decided to leave the main character up to the reader's choice. Also, imagine the Overblots, but with special designs to match Halloween season (like Overblot!Riddle with a scythe or Overblot!Azul with bandages) 👀

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