eight. | danganronpa cafe

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm beeping loudly. I reached over to my alarm, smacking the top of it so it could shut up.

I got up, yawning and then stretching.

I lazily open the curtains, suddenly blinded by the sun.

"It's so..bright.."

I step away from the windows, making my way to the bathroom, doing my daily routine in there.

I hear loud chirping outside, probably the birds.

I ignore the chirping, continuing what I'm doing in the bathroom.

The chirping got even louder, so loud that I got annoyed and decide to check on what was happening.

I splash some cold water on my face to wake myself up a bit, turning the faucet off and then drying my hands with a towel, walking out the bathroom to see what was going on.

Oh.. my.. god.

Birds. Birds were at my window. There was even baby birds on my window.

I unlock my window, pushing it up. "How-"

Before I could even finish, one of them flew inside, leaving the others on the window.

The bird sat on my head again.

I sigh in frustration, looking at all the other birds.

"..What am I suppose to do..? I have school.."

Some birds already flew off, some stayed.

I check the time on my phone, 20 minutes left until school starts..

I sighed, pulling the window down half way, in case they decide to either fly away or want to fly in and hang out with their buddy.

I carefully got the bird down from my hair, putting him on my desk.

It chirped, probably annoyed by what I just did.

"..I'm sorry, I have school-"

I remember I also have to go to the cafe with Rantaro to study.

The bird was still chirping at me.

I walk out of my room with my things, putting my hat on when I get downstairs and slipping on my shoes, making sure I look okay for school.

I unlock the door, walking out onto the sidewalk, making my way to school.


I made my way to school, going to my locker and unlocking it, putting my things in my locker, still holding my books and notebooks as well.

"Heeeyyy, Shuichi!" I heard someone call my name.

Oh no.

I felt weight being pressed on my shoulders.


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