Chapter 3

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When (Y/n) opened her eyes, all she could see was the white webs covering her eyes. She tried moving her arms, but they were stuck to her body, constricting her movement. She heard hissing around her, and remember the spiders. Giant spiders, that most likely wanted to eat her for their supper, or breakfast, or whatever time of the day it was. The heard the swiping and slashing of a sword, and next thing she new, she was being brought down onto the ground. Landing, she struggled to remove the webs from her, when a sword slashed at them and helped her remove the sticky substance.

"Kili!" (Y/n) exclaimed in joy when she saw his face. He smiled at her and helped to remove the last of the webs. When she stood up, she quickly brought him into a hug, one that he immediately returned.

"Are you alright? Are you hurt?" he asked when he pulled away, cupping her face between his hands and searching her eyes.

"I'm fine, Kili. Now, come on. I hate spiders" (Y/n) said, beginning to help the others out of their webs.

"Where's Bilbo?" Bofur asked.

(Y/n) faintly heard her brother shout to them, then scream in terror as a spider attacked him. He then fell out of sight as more spiders came running their way. The company began running away, still partially covered in webs. The spiders managed to reach them, and the dwarves began hammering and slicing at every arachnid that came at them. (Y/n) pulled her sword from it's sheath, and slashed at the spiders. One particular spider she hit, screamed out.

"It bites! It bites me! Ahhh!" It cried out as she finished it off.

"Bite..." she whispered, looking at her sword "Wonderful name...". She continued to kill them, yellow blood spilling from the spiders carcasses. The company managed to kill as many spiders as they could, running out of reach from them.

"We're clear!" Thorin shouted, but as soon as he did, another spider crashed down in front of them, ready to kill. Thorin brandished his weapon, but something in the trees caught their eyes.

A flash bright white ran among the branches, killing each spider as it slid down the webs. It landed in front of Thorin, and (Y/n) could see this was an elf. The elf had his bow drawn, aiming straight at Thorin's eyes. More elves came from the trees, locking the company in a circle.

"Do not think I won't kill you, dwarf. It would be my pleasure" The elf sneered. Thorin glared at him, but then they all heard someone shouting for help.


"Kili!!" Fili and (Y/n) cried out. She saw Kili being dragged away by a spider, and was about to rush in and help him, but an elf stopped her. She struggled against him, screaming out Kili's name.

"No- let me go! Kili!" she cried out, but stopped. A elleth woman came down from the trees, killing the spiders surrounding her. She killed the one attacking Kili with an arrow, and busied herself with another spider behind her.

"Throw me a dagger! Quick!" Kili shouted to her as he noticed another one come his way.

"If you think I'm giving you a weapon, dwarf, you're mistaken!" she said, throwing her dagger at the one Kili was in front of. He looked at her in astonishment, and (Y/n) couldn't help the jealousy growing in her stomach. She glared at the elleth as she brought Kili over to the rest of the dwarves.

"Search them" the blonde elf commanded.

The elves began going through the company's belongings, searching for any weapons that could be on them.

"Hey! Give that back! That's private!" (Y/n) heard Gloin exclaim as the blonde elf pulled out the pictures of Gloin's family.

"Who is this? Your brother?" he mocked.

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