Chapter 7

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"Come. If we are to reach the mountain, we need those weapons"

Thorin commanded the company as they collected their now dry clothes. (Y/n) was concerned with what they were planning, for anything could go wrong.

"Thorin, is this really the best idea? I mean, we could get caught, and then Mahal knows what would happen to us" (Y/n) tried reasoning with the dwarf, but his face remained stone cold as he looked at the hobbit. She had picked up on a few dwarvish terms in her time with the company.

"We do not have time to ponder. We must get moving, and if this is the only way to get what we need, then so be it" he responded harshly.

She stepped back away from him as he moved to get to the doorway. Bain quickly put himself in between the company and their way out.

"Move, boy" Dwalin demanded.

"No! My father said you were not to leave!" the young boy stated. Thorin rolled his eyes and pushed Bain out of the way so they would be able to get to the door. The rest of the company soon followed, although some reluctantly.

"I'm sorry" (Y/n) mouthed to Bain before walking out the door to reach the walkways. It was darker outside, and the sun continued to set as the company continued on their course. Soon, the sun was down and the moon was up in the sky. Thorin stopped at a corner next to the armory. A window was left open, thankfully.

"As soon as we have the weapons, we make straight for the mountain" Thorin whispered to the company.

The dwarves made themselves into stairs, and Nori ran up silently ran up and hopped from one dwarf to the other until he reached the window and pulled himself in. Bilbo was next, then (Y/n). Inside, there was plenty of iron weapons to go around, and once enough of the company was inside, they began pulling things off the racks. Kili held a pile of different weapons in his hands, seeming to be struggling. (Y/n) tried to take some of the weapons off his hands, but he pulled away, saying "I've got it". She worried for him as Nori put another item on the pile. Thorin looked at his nephew struggling.

"You all right?" he asked.

"I can manage" Kili answered, and Thorin put another sword in his arms "Let's just get out of here"

Kili began walking towards the stairs, but tripped and groaned in pain. He fell down the stairs, weapons clattering to the ground, causing the armory to fill with noise. They heard the shouts and footsteps of the guards. Those inside took a weapon from the rack and aimed in at the guards, but they had swords pointed at the dwarves necks before they could react.

"Come on! Take them to the Master!" one of the guards yelled to the others.

They harshly grabbed at the group, dragging them out and onto the streets. (Y/n) winced at the grip on her arm and tried fighting the guard off, but he simply laughed with malice and gripped her tighter. Kili saw her pain and immediately became angry.

"Let her go!!" he cried out, but was silenced with a punch to the stomach.

"Kili!" The hobbit girl tried running towards him, but couldn't escape the grasp of the guard holding her.

"You'll all go face the Master, dwarf! And when he's done, you'll all be sent to the prisons, but this pretty little thing would be quite entertaining" said the guard holding Kili.

(Y/n) immediately grew more frightened, and Kili's rage was burning in his eyes. He would NEVER allow anyone to touch her like that, he swore to himself.

The people awoke from their homes and began to surround the dwarves as they made their way towards the largest house in the town. (Y/n) moved away from the creepy guardsman and closer to Kili, who wrapped an arm around her to comfort her. The guards gathered the company in front of the house as the Master came out.

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