Chapter 9

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The girls and the dwarves waited inside as Bard and Bain went out to place the Black Arrow in the windlance in case Smaug did, in fact, attack. Kili's fever had only gotten much worse since they left.

Tilda looked at the hobbit and the dwarf in curiosity. She saw the emotions running wild in her eyes when he cried out in pain. Tilda brought another bowl of water for them, setting it down next to the hobbit. (Y/n) looked at her and thanked her quietly, dipping the rag in the water and wiping off Kili's face.

(Y/n) heard something peculiar on the roof of the house. Footsteps. Heavy footsteps. Sigrid was out by the door calling for her father, but (Y/n) could not help but think something was wrong. A growl was heard, then the sound of Sigrid screaming in terror. She tried shutting the door, but whatever was outside blocked it with a sword. The dwarves looked up in panic, recognizing the sound of an orc. One kicked open the back door, and Oin threw Bard's dishes at it, but another orc came crashing through the roof.

(Y/n) reluctantly left Kili's side and drew her sword, as first orc came in through the front door, knocking Sigrid off her feet and under the table. Fili charged the orc and slammed it against the wall, holding it at bay for only a moment as Tilda and Bain were getting under the table as well. Orcs continued to crash down from the ceiling, and (Y/n) managed to stab one of them.

The orcs threw the table over, and were about to kill Tilda and Sigrid, when Tauriel came into the house, slashing at any orc that came her way. (Y/n) smiled in relief as Legolas too came in from one of the holes in the roof, bow in hand. He quickly joined in the fight, protecting the hobbit from any attacks she didn't see coming. (Y/n) heard Kili screaming, and looked to see an orc grabbing hold of his foot. She quickly ran over and stabbed it in the neck, killing it. Kili fell out of the bed in pain. Tauriel was holding off an attack from an orc, when Kili stabbed it in its side, then fell to the ground screaming out as the poison coursed through him.

One of the orcs tried escaping by jumping down to the boats. He alerted Bolg, a cruel spawn of Azog, that Thorin had left for the mountain. As Legolas kicked one dead orc off the railing, the one in the boat beneath flew up and the elf decapitated it, killing the last of them.

"You killed them all..." Bain stated.

"There are others" Legolas said about to walk out of the door, when he saw (Y/n) kneeling beside Kili. The pain he saw in her eyes was too much to bear, for Legolas knew that she loved the dwarf. His blue eyes filled with sadness, his heart clenched.

"We're losing him!" Oin exclaimed. (Y/n)'s tears began to fall as she whimpered. Tauriel looked at the two, and heard Legolas' voice, although it was softer, more... broken.

"Tauriel..." he beckoned her, glancing at the hobbit. Legolas, although reluctantly, left the house. The red-head was about to follow when she heard the groan of the dwarf and the broken sobs of the girl.

"Kili! Stay with m-me! P-Please!" she cried, grasping onto his hand.

Tauriel heard footsteps coming up the stairs, and looked to see Bofur running up with the kingsfoil in his hand. She gasped as she took the plant.

"Athelas! Athelas..."

"What are you doing" Bofur asked, extremely confused.

"I'm going to help her save him" Tauriel stated, walking back inside.

She walked back inside, kingsfoil in hand and called (Y/n) to her side as she washed the plant in a bowl of water.

"You need to heal him. It cannot be me. I am no elf"

"No, it must be you. I will help you along the way, but it must be you to remove the poison from his body" Tauriel said finishing washing the kingsfoil.

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