Chapter 6

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Italics = Elvish

Bard and his son, Bain, walked through their town, carefully looking around. Bard looked to his left and saw what seemed to be a trail of different signal leading to his house. He acted like he didn't see anything. Walking up the stairs to his home, he saw two "fishermen" in a boat, hanging their lines in the water. He grabbed an apple from his pocket, whistled, and dropped the fruit down to the spies.

"You can tell the Master I'm done for the day" Bard said as the spies looked up at his in bewilderment. He followed his son into his house, and was met by his daughters.

"Da!" the younger one, Tilda, exclaimed as he walked through the door "Where have you been?"

"Father! There you are! I was worried!" The elder of the daughter, Sigrid, said as both she and Tilda hugged their father. Bard looked to his son.

"Bain, get them in"


"Bard was right, I do not like this"

(Y/n) groaned as she lowered into the freezing cold water of the lake, following the others as they swam. Kili was right behind her, looking out for any sign of the guards.

"Kili, come on" she urged the dwarf. He looked at her (e/c) eyes and reluctantly followed into the water. They followed the company to where Bard had told them to. Dwalin was leading the group, waiting for the signal to come back up.

After a few minutes, they heard the distinct sound of three sharp knocks on wood, and Dwalin reached his head up out of the water... into the toilet.

"If you speak of this to anyone, I'll rip your arms off!" Dwalin hissed as he came up and flipped the seat to get out. Bain tried to help, but Dwalin batted his arm away.

"Up there" Bain said, pointing up into his home. He then went to help poor Bilbo out of the water, who was so cold he couldn't move correctly or even put together full sentences. The rest soon followed, and made their way up towards the house, hoping to get warm.

"Da, why are there dwarves climbing out of our toilet?" Sigrid asked slowly.

"Will they bring us luck?" Tilda asked, full of joy.

(Y/n) finally climbed out of the water, quickly making her way upstairs, shivering from the cold. The dwarves began to remove parts of their clothing to dry by the fire, and got blankets to wrap themselves in.

"They may not be the best fir, but they'll keep you warm" Bard said, but (Y/n) was just grateful to be out of the water.

Tilda went around and handed out clothing to each of them. When she got to (Y/n), the hobbit smiled at the young girl, who looked at her curiously and full of wonder.

"You have very pretty eyes, miss" Tilda said, a little shy. (Y/n) smiled at her as she was handed new clothing.

"Thank you. As do you!" (Y/n) replied. Tilda smiled brightly at her.

"What's your name?"

"My name is (Y/n). What is yours?"

"Tilda. What are you?" she asked. (Y/n) smiled at the inquisitive child.

"I'm a hobbit, from the Shire, many miles west of here"

"I've never met a hobbit before! It's really quite lovely to meet you!" Tilda exclaimed.

"And I have never met humans before, so the feeling is mutual, young Tilda" (Y/n) said, just as excited to meet the girl.

Kili saw how well (Y/n) got along with children, and his mind couldn't help but wander with the thought. He thought of what it would be like if they married, had children, a life of their own. He smiled at the thought of them together, forever.

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