Chapter 4

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Italics = elvish

Bold = Black Speech

(Y/n) gripped tight onto Fili's shirt as they fell down into the cold water, soaking the company. She spit water from her mouth and moved the hair from her face. They were still in the barrels of the Woodland realm, but they were in the river that resided underneath the cave.

"We wait here for Bilbo. He shouldn't be long" Thorin stated, holding himself in place by grasping onto the rock around them. Soon after, (Y/n) heard the yell of her brother and a splash. Looking behind, she saw Bilbo resurfacing and Nori grabbing onto his hand, helping him onto his barrel.

"Well done, Master Baggins" Thorin said, beginning to lead the company.

They could hear the shouts of the elvish warriors as they ran to stop the escaped prisoners. (Y/n) saw the cave opening into the sunlight, but had little time to ravish in the warmth.

"Hold on!!" Thorin yelled.

Soon, the barrels were tumbling down a waterfall and into the rapids of the river. Again, they were soaked to the bone, gasping for breath as they resurfaced. (Y/n) coughed and Fili tightened his grip on her, making sure she remain safe. They saw the gates that would allow them to be free from this realm, but heard the blowing of an elvish horn. An elf warrior that guarded the gate ran up and pulled down the lever that would close their escape.

"No!" Thorin shouted as he ran into the rusting gateway. The dwarves began piling up under the bridge, and in was only a matter of time before the elves apprehended them again. They drew their long swords, and readied themselves to fight, but one of the warriors was shot in the back with a gruesome arrow, and an orc appeared behind him, growling at the company.

"Watch out! There's orcs!" Bofur cried out as the body of the elf fell into the river.

(Y/n) drew her dagger and readied herself for attack. The orcs climbed up the walls and killed any elves in their way. She turned and saw a single, large orc with metal armor in his body shouting to his army.

"Get under the bridge!" Thorin commanded.

The dwarves tried as best they could to fit all of them under the bridge. An orc was about to attack Bombur, but Bilbo stabbed it in the neck, killing it. (Y/n) turned and saw Kili jumping out of his barrel and onto the land, making his way up the stairs... towards the lever. He killed any orc in his way with a sword thrown to him by Dwalin. Right when he was about to pull the lever to let them go free, (Y/n) heard the firing from a bow, and saw a black arrow sticking out of Kili's leg.

"KILI!!" she cried out in anguish. Fili yelled out his brother's name when he heard the hobbit scream.

Kili tried to pull the lever, but he fell backwards in pain as he grasped his leg. (Y/n) jumped from her barrel and onto the bridge, using any means necessary to reach Kili. She used her blade to strike down any orc in her way, and used her small size to dodge any attacks. She reached Kili as an orc was about to attack them, but an elven arrow stopped it. They both turned to see Tauriel running towards the fight, bow in hand. Soon after, Legolas and a group of elves emerged from the bushes, killing each orc that came towards the dwarves or the elves.

"Kili" (Y/n) said, putting her hand on his cheek "I need you to get back into your barrel. I'll release the lever"

Kili was about to protest when she got up and fought her way towards the lever. She jumped up and grabbed hold of it, soon using her feet as well, but managed to open the gate. She helped Kili up, and they both dropped into the same barrel. The arrow in Kili's leg broke with a sickening snap. The company went down another waterfall, and into the white-water rapids of the river. (Y/n) screamed as they hit other barrels and went down the river at tremendous speed, often being submerged in the freezing water. Orcs fired their arrows at them, and Kili pushed (Y/n)'s head under the barrel to shield her. The elves soon began to follow their trail, shooting their arrows at the orcs. (Y/n) peaked out from the barrel, and saw Legolas and Tauriel among them. She made eye contact with Legolas, and could've sworn she saw his eyes widen at the sight of her.

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