Chapter 2

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Our ponies ran across valleys and through the trees. (Y/n) could always feel the eyes of a certain dwarf on her, but she didn't respond to them. When they finally stopped, she saw what once was the forest of Greenwood. It was now full of dark trees, and she could feel the air around the wood bending and shifting. It wasn't a good magic, like in Rivendell. This was darker, more bleak and full of evil. (Y/n) could see Gandalf walking over to an archway that seemed to have been there for many years.

"The Elven Gate. Here lies our path through Mirkwood" Gandalf spoke at the edge of the forest.

"No sign of the orcs. We have luck on our side" Dwalin stated as he got off his pony.

(Y/n) climbed off her own horse, and looked out at the horizon. She saw a black shape looking out over a cliff, and knew this to be Beorn. The great bear looked in their direction, and (Y/n) nodded her thanks to the him.

"Set the ponies loose! Let them return to their master" Gandalf shouted to the company.

The hobbits stood next to each other, gazing at the dark forest before them.

"This forest feels... sick" Bilbo said.

"As if a disease lies upon it. Is there no way around?" (Y/n) finished.

"Not unless we go 200 miles north. Or twice that distance... south" Gandalf said slowly as he walked into the forest.

(Y/n) watched him leave, and put her hand inside her pocket. She unconsciously grabbed hold of the ring that resided in there. She could've sworn she heard dark whispering, but looked around to see none of the company speaking. She turned it in her fingers, and saw a flash of a vision. A glowing, fiery eye. Her head jerked up and she let go of the ring. She looked around to see if anyone noticed, but Bilbo was watching the forest, and the dwarves were gathering their supplies. All but one.

Kili watched the hobbit from afar. He couldn't help it. She saw her momentary vision, and saw her quickly remove her hand from her pocket, as if something burned her. He wouldn't dare ask her about it. She had been more on edge lately, thinking no one noticed her change. Ever since she escaped the goblin tunnels, she had been more reserved.

Ori was about to remove the saddle from Gandalf's horse, when they heard him yelling from the forest.

"Not my horse! I need it!" he cried out.

"You're not leaving us?" Bilbo asked, terrified.

"I would not do this unless I had to" the wizard responded. He stopped by the two hobbits and looked at them both, eyeing (Y/n) a bit more suspiciously. "You've changed, Bilbo and (Y/n) Baggins. You are not the same hobbits as the ones who left the Shire"

They both looked at him, and Bilbo nodded his head, understanding. (Y/n) hesitated for a moment before speaking.

"I was going to tell you. I...found something in the Goblin Tunnels"

"Found what? What did you find?" Gandalf pressed. (Y/n) grasped hold of the ring on her pocket for a moment, before letting it go and speaking.

"My courage"

"Good. Well, that's good. And I hope, my dear Bilbo, you found yours as well. You'll need it" the gray wizard told them. (Y/n) felt it begin to rain as the droplets of water hit her face. Gandalf walked off towards his horse and continued to talk to the company.

"I'll be waiting for you at the overlook. Before the slopes of Erebor. Keep the map and key safe. Do not enter that mountain without me" Gandalf said the last bit directly to Thorin "This is not the Greenwood of old. There is a stream in the woods that carries a dark enchantment. Do not touch the water. Cross only by the stone bridge. The very air of the forest is heavy with illusion. It'll seek to enter your mind and lead you astray"

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