a spark of love. (illumi pov)

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(illumi pov)
'i hate whenever the power goes out. stuff like that just bothered me. thunder on the other hand.. i hate it. i just hated it all my life'

"we should get going, right illu~" hisoka smiles at me and i roll my eyes.

"dear god hisoka, stop calling me that name. let's just go." i say walking to the front door. wind hitting my face as i get the shivers down my back.

'so windy.. i'm gonna end up with a cold after. it's fine.'

as i was about to step out the door i feel something warm hug my shoulders and the rest of my lower back. i turn around and saw that hisoka gave me his jacket to wear.

"hiso-" i say as i got cut off by him zipping up the coat.

"there~ all nice and warm for you~ let's get going, shall we?~" he smiled and looked down at me.

'what the hell.. why do i.. why do i even like this? i actually like what he just did.. am i catching feelings.. no! i cant be.. i cant!'

i zone back in and nodded, "yeah, let's go." i say walking out the door with hisoka to his car. i sit in the passenger seat and buckle myself in.

"pouring rain outside.. jeez.." hisoka sighs out as he locked the doors and puts his seatbelt on.

i stared down at my lap, thinking what i felt earlier.

'i cant keep denying my feelings but for sure i don't like hisoka. 100% sure'

hisoka started to drive home while i was leaning my head against the window, seeing each drop of rain drizzle down the window.

                    (20 minutes later...)
we finally arrive to hisokas place, i didn't expect his house to be that big like mine. it looked.. safe.

hisoka walked to the front door and pulled out his house keys, unlocking the door and walking inside.

once i stepped foot inside i felt at home right away. it was crowded but very cozy looking.

'it's so warm in here.. i thought hisoka lived in luxury.. guess not'

hisoka nervously looked at me as if i didn't like it, "sorry my place is messy.. i try my best to clea—"

"i like it." i cut him off and turn to him, giving him a small grin. i saw hisoka turn a dark shade of red.

'why is he red? is he not feeling well?'

"hisoka? are you okay?" i ask tilting my head to the side.

hisoka looked at me and smiled, "i'm so happy you like it illu~ don't mind the cards on the table i'm practicing a new trick incase you wanna see~" he offered.

"sure, i'd like to see it. but first can i change into something comfortab—"

"of course you can illu~! take some of my pjs!"
hisoka said rushing to his room to get me a pair.

"okay?" i sat on the couch and put my hands in my lap, looking at all the photos of hisoka and his family on the walls.

'he actually cares about his family..'

hisoka walked back into the room with pj pants and a shirt. i take the clothes from him and walked away, trying to find his bathroom.

'his house maybe small but it's sure hard to find his bathroom..'

i hear a fan from a certain room and walk towards it. opening the door a bit, seeing that it was his bathroom. i walk inside and shut the door behind me. taking off my clothes and folding them. i slid the pj pants on with the shirt and then tied my hair back so it wouldn't be in the way.

'these are actually comfortable compared to what i wear'

i walk out the bathroom completely forgetting my clothes on the counter. i took a seat beside hisoka and crossed my legs.

"you look absolutely adorable in my pyjamas~! you can keep that pair if you want~" hisoka said as he put a arm over behind me.

"they're yours hisoka.. not mine. i'll give them back by tomorrow morning."

hisoka just came to realization, "oh my~ we have to head to heavens arena tomorrow~ i forgot.. what are you going to do? wear the same thing over and over again? hm~"

"if i have to then yes. i'll probably wash my clothes too. i'll be fine hisoka." i say looking over at him.

hisoka grabbed the remote and turned the tv on, putting on a show. 

'his arm is still behind me.. it's like he's asking for me to lean in and cuddle with him? no way.. maybe i'll just sit close to him'

i moved a bit over into hisokas arm, sitting right beside him now with our legs and thighs touching. hisoka looked over at me with a shocked look.

i look at him and raise an eyebrow, "what?"

"nothing.." hisoka looked away and smirked slightly, his arm wrapped around my shoulder and the two of us watching tv.

'i think i like him.. if i didn't like him i wouldn't be doing this.. great...'

in love. (hisoka x illumi) DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now