a litte touchy there. (illumi pov)

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warning—> (slight nsfw/tiny bit of smut)

(illumi pov)
i wake up in the morning seeing hisoka up making breakfast. the smell of the food he was making drove me crazy and had me drooling. i sit up and stretch out.

"mmmhm.." i sigh out and get up, walking over to the kitchen. i peak over his shoulder and saw he was making scrambled eggs with bacon, my favourite. 

"hisoka" i rest my chin on his shoulder and looked at him make the food.

hisoka turned over to me, our lips almost touching. i blush and froze there. not knowing what to do but just staring at the food.

"little close there illu~" hisoka teased.

i quickly back away and point to the food, "i was looking at you cook, don't get any other ideas." i cross my arms.

hisoka chuckled and put the food into a plate. i grab one plate and took a bite of bacon.

'this tastes amazing.. he's a really good cook'

i look at him,"hisoka."

"hm?" he looked back at me.

"thank you. it tastes really good."

"don't thank me illu~ i made it just for you~" hisoka said taking a bite of bacon.

i look done at the food on my plate and form a small smile on my face. i start to eat the eggs and finished shortly after.

hisoka put our dirty dishes away and lead me to his room. i look at him and saw the outfit laid out for me on the bed.

"thank you" i pick up the outfit and walk to the door way. hisoka grabbed my arm and stopped me.

'what does he want now?'

"yes?" i look at him with an annoyed look. hisoka smirked let go of me, "where you going? you can change here."

i shook my head, "you're weird hisoka and you're a perv.. i'm not letting you see my body. i'll be right back" i walk to the washroom.

i walk inside the bathroom and shut the door with the slightest crack open. i take off my clothes and set them on the counter, sliding on the outfit that was chosen out by hisoka.

'something doesn't feel right.. is the door even shut all the way? i think i shut it..'

i slowly turn around slowly and see honey coloured eyes through the crack of the door.

'hisoka. that bastard'

i cross my arms, "come in."

i see the honey eyes disappear and the door slowly opening.

"hisoka. what where you doing?" i ask.

hisoka started to play dumb, "i was getting ready too~"

"i'm not dum—" i look down at hisokas crotch area and saw a boner.

'oh dear god. this is my que to leave. right. now.'

i walk to the door and got pulled into hisokas arms, facing away from him.

"hisoka!" i shift around and felt him rub against me. i hear him start to make sounds.

'what the fuck! i have to calm down.. i have an idea..'

i sigh and look at hisoka through the mirror, seeing his face buried into my face. he was smiling and rubbing his face into the sweater i was wearing. i try not to smile at how cute his smile was but i didn't like how he was holding me but i did at the same time for some reason?

"hisoka.." i put my hands on his arms and try to move them off of me.

hisoka raised an eyebrow and loosened his grip around my waist. i turn myself around, facing him.

"getting a little touchy.." i try to back away. hisoka pushed me against the wall and looked me in the eyes with a smirk on his face.

i sigh and gave in just to get this over with. i wrap my arms around him and i felt him froze.
i moved away a bit and put my hand on his cheek.


"hm?" hisoka was shocked at the way i was acting.

"sometimes.. i wonder..." i say grabbing my needle, "if i should just kill you.." i crease the ball of the needle along his cheek.

hisoka looked at the needle then back at me. i had no emotion on my face. i was looking him dead in the eyes as i moved the needle along his cheek still.

"let me go and you won't die."

hisoka let go of me and backed away. i put the needles in my pocket and tie my hair back, "let's get going now" i say walking out the bathroom.

in love. (hisoka x illumi) DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now