Waking Up

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You were asleep when something stirs you out of your deep slumber. It was soft and brushed against your cheek and went down your neck. Your groggy mind slowly came to the realization that it was your husband, Keigo, playing with your hair tenderly. The movements continued until you let out a soft moan, signaling to Keigo that you were awake. You then turned your body so that you could look into his loving, golden eyes as a sliver of the morning's sunlight shone on his angelic face.

"Sorry, did I wake you my lovebird?" Keigo asked in a soft whisper with a hint of sadness in his voice as his hand pulled away from your face.

"Mm hmm," you replied sleepily. "Don't stop," you whined, slowly pulling his rough hand back to your face. He then proceeded to softly brush your h/l h/c locks off of your face and keep playing with your hair. "I love waking up like this," you sighed in contentment with a closed eyed smile on your face. You opened your e/c orbs to see him smiling back at you. He pulled you closer to his warm body, his wings enveloping the both of you in a crimson cocoon.

"You look so beautiful in the mornings," he quietly spoke, making you blush.

"And I am lucky to have you in my life," you responded, cupping your husband's scruffy face in your hand, stroking his cheek with your thumb. You just spent the next couple hours talking and whispering sweet nothings, taking in each-others' presence on this lovely morning. 

"Are you ready to get up?" Keigo asks you gently. You let out a groan in protest, not wanting this moment to end.

"Noooooo, I want to stay here with you," you mumbled into his chest.

"I know baby bird," he sighed, rubbing your back. "I want to stay here with you too, but I've got to get to work, and you've got a story to finish writing."

"You could just call in sick. I don't have to turn in my rough draft for the story until next week. What's say we spend the day doing nothing but cuddle on the couch while watching movies and eat take out together, and maybe even bake some of your favorite cookies," I suggested, looking up into his lovable face. The thought of having a lazy day at home with you was certainly tempting; but as much as Keigo wanted to say yes, he knew that you both had responsibilities that you couldn't ignore.

"I'm sorry darlin', but we've got jobs to do. Plus, I know that if you keep procrastinating on your story, you're going to get stressed out and grumpy. You know I hate it when my baby bird is all stressed out," he cuddled you deeper into himself.

"Hmph, yeah your right. But you've been working so hard lately. Don't you have some vacation time coming up?" you asked.

"Yeah, I do," Keigo realized. "Tell you what, I'll ask for time off for half of next week and then you and I can do a-ny-thing we want," your husband growled, nuzzling his face into your neck.

"That sounds perfect. Now I have motivation to get done with my draft sooner," you smiled. Keigo laughed at your enthusiasm then kissed you sweetly on the lips.

"I love you my little song bird." Keigo sighed.

"Aww, I love you too my little love hawk," you smiled.
"Heh, heh, heh, did you really just quote Rio?" he smirked.

"Yes, yes I did," you grinned cheekily at him. Keigo laughed again as the two of you scrambled out of the bed to greet the morning and get started on the day.

"I'll go make turkey bacon and eggs," you said as you started to walk to the kitchen, Keigo walking to the joined bathroom.

"Okay. Hey, y/n," Keigo called from the bathroom door.

"Yeah babe?" You asked, peeking your head out of your bedroom door. One of Keigo's feathers suddenly floated from his wing and to his lips. He kissed the scarlet feather and then it floated over to you, brushing it's soft vane (the main part of the feather) against your lips. You blushed at what just happened.

"I love you more," Keigo winked at you and ducked into the bathroom.

"Dream on fuzzball," You laughed as you turned to get breakfast started. You really loved your goofy hero of a husand.

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